The system for playing roulette Einstein

  • The game for simple chances (Red-Black, Chet-Odd, Bigger-Less).
  • Monetary support of 60 chips.
  • Progressive betting system.
  • The length of the session is 30 spins (without taking into account the loss of the zero).

The system is designed to play for simple chances of Red / Black, but can be used to play Bigger / Smaller, and Chet / Odd. The game on Red / Black is the most preferable, because Red / Black drop is balanced on the wheel with one zero. Session with a maximum of 30 spins (not counting spins per zero). Monetary support of 20 chips, with a total cash supply of 60 chips (there are some psychological aspects).

The maximum bet is 8 chips.

To determine the probability (Red / Black) and the size of the next bet, a form is used. The form is divided into two sections: Section Plus and Section Minus. Both sections are filled in under the same rules after each spin.

Selecting the place of the bet

To determine the place for betting on the next spin, two sections are used: PLUS (Change section) and MINUS (Change section) . The definition of the progression in each section is described in the Progression section.

Filling the Section Plus. (PLUS-Change section)

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)

On the first spin the bet is not made. The number of the spin is written down. If black is dropped, then the dropped number is recorded in the Black column. If the red falls, the dropped number is recorded in the column Red.

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4

After recording the first spin, the next bet is to continue the series (S).

!!! In the PLUS Section (Change section), S is always set for S.

If the first spin was black, the next bet on black. Black is written in the Bet box.

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4
S Black

If the second spin is Black (continuation of the series), the column +/- is set to +. If the second spin is Red (change of color), the +/- column is set.

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4
2 28 S + Black

In the future, the Section Plus is filled in according to the following rules:
After S + the next bet on I
After I + next bet on S
After S - the next bet on S
After I - the next bet on I

Example of filling

1). The first spin 4 is black. We record black fallout.
Column S / I - S (continuation of the series).
The Bet column is Black (bet on black).

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4
2 28 S Black

2). The second spin 28 is black. We record black fallout.
In the column +/- put + (bet played).

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4
2 28 S + Black

3). According to the rules of filling the Section Plus - the next bet on I (change of color).
Column S / I - I (color change).
The Bet column is Red (bet on red).

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4
2 28 S + Black

4). The third spin 24 is black. We record black fallout.
In the column +/- put - (the bet did not play).

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4
2 28 S + Black
3 24 I - Red

5). According to the rules of filling the Section Plus - the next bet on I (change of color).
Column S / I - I (color change).
The Bet column is Red (bet on red).

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4
2 28 S + Black
3 24 I - Red
4 I Red

Filling in the Less section. (MINUS - Change section)

The Minus section is filled in the same way as the Plus section.

After recording the first spin, the next bet is to change the color (I).
!!! In the MINUS (Change section) section, for the 2 spins always I.

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4
I Red

In the future, the section Minus is filled in according to the following rules:
After the S + game on S
After I + game on I
After S - play on I
After I is a game on S

Example of filling

1). The first spin 4 is black. We record the fall of Black.
Column S / I - I (change of the cv).
The Bet column is Red (bet on red).

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4
2 28 I Red

2). The second spin 28 is black. We record the black dropout.
In the column +/- put - (the bet did not play).

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4
2 28 I - Red

3). According to the rules of filling the Section Minus - the next bet on S (continuation of the series).
Column S / I - S (continuation of the series).
The Bet column is Black (bet on black).

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4
2 28 I - Red
S Black

4). The third spin 24 is black. We record the black dropout.
In the column +/- put + (bet played).

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4
2 28 I - Red
3 24 S + Black

5). According to the rules of filling the Section Minus - the next bet on S (continuation of the series).
Column S / I - S (color change).
The Bet column is Black (bet on black).

No. Spin Black Red S / I (change series) +/- Bet (rate)
1 4
2 28 I - Red
3 24 S + Black
4 S Black

As the author of the system claims, these two sections are filled quite easily. The Minus section is always OPPOSITE of the Plus section. If, for example, the result of S + is in one section, in the other section the side is always I -. If you bet on black in one section, in the other section always bet on red.

Rule 1: If a bet is played in one of the sections 4 times in a row, the bets in this section are "suspended" until two plus points appear. But the definition of what is done next rate in this section continues.

The initial bet size is 1 chip. In the future, the size of the bet is recalculated after 3 played spins. The played backs are all backs, except the "suspended" ones. The bet is set to 1 chip after reaching a non-negative or positive balance (depending on the level) in the Net1 column.

The size of the next bet is calculated equally for the PLUS-Change section and the MINUS-Change section .

Consider, for example , the PLUS-Change section

On the first spin, the bet is not made.

No. Spin Black Red S / i +/- Bet (Bet) Rslt (Result) Bet Calc Net1
1 4
S Black

The initial bet is 1 chip.
You write 1 to the Rslt (Result) column and 1 to the first column of the Bet Calc column, as shown in the table.

No. Spin Black Red S / I +/- Bet (Bet) Rslt (Result) Bet Calc Net1
1 4
S Black 1 1

Suppose the bet won. When winning, put a plus (+) before 1 in the column Rslt (Result) and +1 in the column Net1 and strikethrough 1 in Bet Calc .

No. Spin Black Red S / I +/- Bet (Bet) Rslt (Result) Bet Calc Net1
1 4
2 28 S + Black +1 1 +1

Finished the first under the game (sub game) , because in the section plus the win 1 chip. Begin the progression again from the initial rate.

No. Spin Black Red S / I +/- Bet (Bet) Rslt (Result) Bet Calc Net1
1 4
2 28 S + Black +1 1 +1
I Red 1 1

Suppose the next bet was lost.

If you lose, put a minus sign (-) before 1 in the Rslt (Result) column. A unit is written to the second column of the Bet Calc column. Column Net1 records the current balance.

No. Spin Black Red S / I +/- Bet (Bet) Rslt (Result) Bet Calc Net1
1 4
2 28 S + Black +1 1 +1
3 24 I - Red -1 1 1 0

The next bet is again one chip. Suppose we lost 2 more bets.

No. Spin Black Red S / I +/- Bet (Bet) Rslt (Result) Bet Calc Net1
1 4
2 28 S + Black +1 1 +1
3 24 I - Red -1 1 1 0
4 10 I - Red -1 1 1 -1
5 29 I - Red -1 1 1 -2

Ended under the game (sub game) , you need to recalculate the size of the next bet. But the progression does not start from the beginning, because Net1 is negative.

Add all the numbers in Bet Calc after the underlined line. This amount is written in Bet Calc (as shown in the table) and divided into three. If the sum is not divisible by three, use only integers. The first number is greater than or equal to the second, the second is greater than or equal to the third. Those. 6 is divided 2-2-2, 7 is divided 3-2-2, 8 is divided 3-3-2, and so on.

No. Spin Black Red S / I +/- Bet (Bet) Rslt (Result) Bet Calc Net1
1 4
2 28 S + Black +1 1 +1
3 24 I - Red -1 1 1 0
4 10 I - Red -1 1 1 -1
5 29 I - Red -1 1 1 6th 2 2 2 -2

To calculate the size of the next bet, take the number from the 4th column of the Bet Calc column and write it to the next row of the 1st column of the Bet Calc column. The last number from 1 column of the Bet Calc column is added to the column Rslt (Result) , and + 1 is added.

The bet size Rslt (Result) is calculated as the sum of the number from Bet Calc and 1, except for the beginning of a new progression or the beginning of the game.

No. Spin Black Red S / I +/- Bet (Bet) Rslt (Result) Bet Calc Net1
1 4
2 28 S + Black +1 1 +1
3 24 I - Red -1 1 1 0
4 10 I - Red -1 1 1 -1
5 29 I - Red -1 1 1 6th 2 2 2 -2
6th I Red 3 2

The next spin.

If you lose, put a minus sign (-) in front of the number in the Rslt column. The second column of the Bet Calc column records the amount of the lost bet. Column Net1 records the current balance.

No. Spin Black Red S / I +/- Bet (Bet) Rslt (Result) Bet Calc Net1
1 4
2 28 S + Black +1 1 +1
3 24 I - Red -1 1 1 0
4 10 I - Red -1 1 1 -1
5 29 I - Red -1 1 1 6th 2 2 2 -2
6th 13 I - Red 3 2 3 -5

Please note, in this example, the game in the plus section should be paused. There were four losses in a row.

How to make a bet.
In the section PLUS (Change section) and the section MINUS (MINUS - Change section), the sizes of bets for different colors are calculated. You need to calculate the difference and make the appropriate bet.

Section Plus - Section Minus = Real rate
1 chip for black - 2 chips for red = 1 chip for red
4 chips per black - 7 chips per red = 3 chips per red
1 chip on black - 1 chip on red = bet is not done

When completing the form, the following rules should be used:

Filling the Section Plus:
After S + the next bet on I
After I + next bet on S
After S - the next bet on S
After I - the next bet on I

FillingSection Minus:
After S + the next bet on S
After I + next bet on I
After S - the next bet on I
After I - the next bet on S

Rule 1: If a bet is played in one of the sections 4 times in a row, the bets in this section are "suspended" until two pluses appear in a row. But calculations in this section continue to be performed.

Rule 2: If Net1 is greater than zero and the dividend (the third column of the Bet Calc column) is less than or equal to 3, or not calculated, the transition to the initial rate. (1 in the Rslt column and 1 in the second column of the Bet Calc column). If Net 1 is greater than zero or zero and the dividend (the third column of the Bet Calc graph) is greater than 3, go to the initial rate (1 in the Rslt column and 1 in the second column of the Bet Calc column).

Rule 3: When the dividend is greater than or equal to 18, the transition to the initial rate occurs when you win 2 of the 3 following rates, even if Net 1 is less than zero.

Rule 4: The maximum bet is not more than 8.
If there is a total loss of 14 chips, another bet is made if this bet is played - the game ends with a loss.

Rule 5: The game ends when you get a win of 10 chips or 30 spins (not counting the zero). If 10 chips are won faster than 30 spins, it is played for other chances (More-Less, Chet-Odd) to reach 30 spins.

Rule 6: The loss of zero is not written to the form and is not taken into account in the calculations.