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Description medications: Pipemidievaya acid (Acidum pipemidiecum)

PIPEMIDIEVAYA ACID (Acidum pipemidiecum). Piperazine-2-oxo-5-ethyl-5, 8, 8-dihydro-pyrido (2, 3-d) pyrimidine-6-carboxylic acid.

Synonyms: Palin, Acipem, Balurol, Cistomid, Filtrax, Naril, Palin, Pimidel, Pipedae, Pipefort, Pipemidic acid, Pipram, Pipurin, Septidron, Solupemid, Uripan, Urisan, Urixin, Urodipin, Uromidin, Uropimid, Urosetic, Uroval etc. .

The chemical structure can be regarded as a modified molecule nalidixic acid.

The yellowish-white powder with a bitter taste, darkening under the influence of light.

The preparation has antibacterial activity. Active against Pseudomonas, which is associated with the presence in the molecule of the piperazine nucleus.

In clinical practice pipemidievaya acid is particularly effective in acute and chronic infections of the urinary tract.

Adults are inside of 0.4 g (0.4 g tablet 1 or 2 capsules to 0.2 g), 2 times a day (morning and evening). The course of treatment - 10 days or more, depending on the disease.

Children from 1 year to 15 years is prescribed at 15 mg / kg divided into 2 doses.

Women with recurrent infection is recommended in conjunction with ingestion, appoint 1 vaginal suppository daily for 7 to 10 days.

In applying the drug may allergic skin reactions, nausea, stomach pain, photosensitivity phenomena.

Contraindicated during pregnancy. Caution should be observed in patients with renal insufficiency. Children who take medication should be under close medical supervision.

During treatment, it is recommended to maintain enhanced diuresis.

Product: capsules of 0.1 and 0.2 g; Tablets of 0.4 g; vaginal suppositories of 0.2 g; suspension (for children) in vials of 100 ml containing 100 mg (0.1 g) in 5 ml.

Storage: List B. In the dark spot.