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Description of the medicine: Sydnocarbum


N-Phenylcarbamoyl-3- (b-phenylisopropyl) -sydnonimine.

Synonyms: Mesocarb, Mesocarbum.

White with a yellowish-greenish shade of crystalline powder. Almost nerastvorim in water, it is difficult soluble in alcohol.

Sidnokarb is the original domestic psychostimulant. According to the chemical structure, it has some similarity with phenamine, since it contains a phenylisopropyl radical; At the same time, it differs significantly from phenamine in that it does not have a free amino group; The nitrogen atom corresponding to the amino group nitrogen in the phenamine is in the sydnocarb a part of the heterocyclic system - sydnonimine substituted in the imino group by the phenylcarbamoyl radical.

According to the chemical structure, the sydnocarp is close to sydnofen (see).

Sidnokarb is currently the main psychostimulator used in Russian medical practice. In comparison with phenamine, it is much less toxic and does not have a pronounced peripheral sympathomimetic effect. Its stimulating effect develops gradually (there is no sharp initial activating effect), in comparison with phenamine it is longer and is not accompanied by euphoria and motor excitement. Stimulating effect is not accompanied by tachycardia, a sharp increase in blood pressure and other peripheral sympathomimetic effects. In the period of aftereffect there is no general weakness and drowsiness.

According to the neurochemical mechanism of action, sydnocarb differs from phenamine. Experimental data show that sydnokarb acts more strongly on noradrenergic than on dopaminergic structures of the brain, while phenamine has a stronger dopaminergic effect. It is possible that the sydnocarb differs also from the phenamine by the release activity of catecholamines from various neuronal depots. It can be assumed that these neurochemical features of the action of sydnocarb to some extent determine the differences in the clinical efficacy and tolerability of sidnocarb in comparison with phenamine.

Apply sydnokarb with different types of asthenic conditions, taking place with inhibition, lethargy, apathy, decreased efficiency, hypochondria, increased drowsiness. It is effective in the treatment of stuporous, sub-stuporic and apatoabulic conditions, with asthenic and neurasthenic disorders in patients with intoxication, infection and brain trauma; With lethargic schizophrenia with a predominance of asthenic disorders (in the absence of productive symptoms). Sydnokarb can also be used to artificially exacerbate the schizophrenic process in order to overcome the resistance to psychotropic drugs.

Sydnokarb is an effective remedy that cures asthenic phenomena that occur with the use of neuroleptic drugs.