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Description medications: Oktitsil (Octicylum)

OKTITSIL (Octicylum). 2 Oktiltsiklopropankarbonovaya acid.

Viscous, clear, colorless or yellowish white liquid with a specific smell. When storing the crystals may fall easily melted under gentle warming up. Practically insoluble in water. With an alcohol, ether, chloroform is mixed in any proportions. The alcoholic solution is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic spirituous odor.

The drug has a fungistatic and fungicidal action.

Applied as a 1% alcohol solution or 1% ointments (cream) for the treatment of athlete, rubrofitii and pityriasis versicolor, erythrasma.

The ointment is applied to the affected area 2 times a day, every day. The course of treatment with good endurance 4 - 8 weeks.

When disgidroticheskoy form of athlete's first take off acute inflammation, then smeared with 1% alcoholic solution of the affected areas of skin 2 times a day, and at night oktitsilovoy ointment and put a gauze bandage.

Method of issuance: 1% ointment in tubes or dark glass jars, 50 g; 1% alcohol solution in bottles of 200 ml.

Storage: Ointment - under normal conditions; Solution - in a cool place.