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Description medications: Tsitizin (Cytisinum)

Cytisine (Cytisinum).

Cytisine is an alkaloid contained in the seeds of plants of broom (Cytisus laburnum L.) and Thermopsis lantsetolistnogo (Thermopsis lanceolata, R. Br.), Both of the legume family (Leguminosae).

Refers to a substance << >> ganglionic action in connection with stimulating effect on respiration as breathing analeptic. For this purpose it is available as a ready-0.15% aqueous solution under the name << Tsititon >> (Cytitonum).

In recent years, cytisine were also used as a remedy for smoking cessation (see. Lobesil tablets << >>).

Tsititon - a clear, colorless liquid; pH 7 0 - 7 5. sterilized at + 100 C for 30 min.

Tsitizin has a stimulating effect on the autonomic ganglia of the nervous system and related education: chromaffin tissue of the adrenal glands and the carotid glomeruli.

Characteristic actions cytisine (as lobeline) is the excitation of breath associated with reflex stimulation of the respiratory center reinforced impulses coming from carotid glomeruli. Simultaneous excitation of the sympathetic ganglia and adrenal glands leads to increased blood pressure.

Action tsititona (cytisine solution) on the breath is short tolchkoobrazny << >> character, but in some cases, especially when the reflex stops breathing, use tsititona can lead to permanent recovery breathing and circulation.

Earlier tsititon widely used in cases of poisoning (morphine, barbiturates, carbon monoxide, etc.). In connection with the emergence of specific opiate antagonist (naloxone, etc.), And barbiturates (Bemegride) and short duration of action, and lobeline tsititon currently have limited use. However, when the reflex stops breathing (during operations, injuries, etc.) tsititon can be used as a respiratory analeptic; in connection with the pressor effect (which distinguishes it from lobelina) tsititon can be used for shock and collaptoid states, with oppression of breathing and blood circulation in patients with infectious diseases and others.

Enter tsititon into a vein or intramuscularly: adult for the 0.5 - 1 ml; children under 12 months - 0.1 - 0.15 ml; 2 - 5 years - 0.2 - 0.3 ml, 6 - 12 0.3 - 0.5 ml. The most effective intravenous administration. Where indicated tsititona injection can be repeated after 15 - 30 minutes.

Tsititon previously also used to determine the flow rate. The method is to set the time that elapses from the moment of introduction into the cubital vein tsititona before the first deep breath. Defining more clearly than in a lobelina as arousal disorder expressed clearly and changing breathing easily register. Typically for this purpose, are administered 0.7 - 1 ml tsititona (0.015 ml per 1 kg body weight of the patient).

Higher doses for adults intravenously and intramuscularly single 1 mL, 3 mL daily.