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Description drugs: Sodium-usninat (Natrii usninas)

SODIUM-USNINAT (Natrii usninas).

Sodium usnic acid.

Synonym: Natrium usninicum.

Usnic acid is an antibacterial substance isolated from lichens (Ramalina reticulata et al.).

Usnic acid has an antimicrobial effect against gram-positive bacteria. In medical practice used usnic acid sodium salt. Pale yellow shiny crystalline powder. Soluble in hot water (1: 200), alcohol (1:20).

Applied to treat wounds, burns, fractures, etc.

Assign a 1% hydroalcoholic or oily solution 0.5% (in castor oil) as well as in the form of a solution in glycerin or balsam fir supplemented with 2% anestezina. Also used in the drug powder per se or in admixture with sulfonamides (1 part sodium usninata 3 or 5 parts streptotsida). The solution abundantly wetted gauze bandage, which is applied to the affected skin surface. When dusting powder healing, consume 0.1 to 0.2 grams of the drug in the size of about 16 cm wound.

Prior to use of the drug in all cases produce a primary surgical treatment of the wound (burn) surface.

Method of issuance: powder; Usninata 1% solution of sodium in ethanol, 0.5% solution in castor oil with 2% anestezina; 0.3% and 0.5% solutions in vials fir oil and 50 to 25 ml.

Storage: List B. In the dark cool place.