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Description of the medicine: Fopurin (Phopurinum)

FOPURIN (Pshopurinum). 6-Diethylenimidophosphamido-2-dimethylamino-7-methylpurine.

Synonym: Pumitepa.

White or white with slightly greenish-yellowish shades of crystalline powder. Soluble in water and alcohol.

On the structure of the drug, on the one hand, it is close to the antimetabolites of purine, on the other - it is a compound containing alkylating groups (ethyleneimine).

The drug has antitumor activity, expressed primarily in the ability to suppress the development of the leukemia process. In small doses, the drug moderately oppresses hematopoiesis, but in large doses can cause pronounced leuko- and thrombocytopenia.

Apply fospurin with acute leukemia, chronic myeloleukemia, with cutaneous reticuloses and retinoblastoma.

Enter fospurin intravenously or intramuscularly.

When acute leukemia is administered daily, starting at 40 mg, then with good tolerability, the dose is gradually increased by 10 to 20 mg to 120 mg (for adults). The course dose is 1 - 3 g. Children are prescribed 5 to 30 mg once a day; For the course of treatment 0.5 - 0.7 g.

For cutaneous reticuloses (mushroom mycosis, Kaposi angioreticulosis, etc.) are administered daily, starting at 20 mg and adjusting the dose to 120 mg. On the course of treatment 1, 5 - 3, 0 g.

With retinoblastome, the drug is administered daily intramuscularly, starting at 5 mg and adjusting the dose to 40 mg; All for a course of 45 injections.

Apply fospurin usually in combination with other antitumour agents, as well as, if necessary, with surgical treatment and radiation therapy (with retinoblastoma).

For injection, the contents of the ampoule (40 mg) with fospurin are dissolved in isotonic sodium chloride solution, sterile water for injection or in 0.5% novocaine solution (with intramuscular injection). Dissolution of the drug is slow.

When fopurin is used, headache, dizziness, dyspepsia, drowsiness, allergic phenomena, orthostatic hypotension are possible (in this connection, patients after intravenous administration of the drug should be in a horizontal position for 1 to 1.5 hours).

Intramuscular injection of the drug is acceptable only at a dose of not more than 60 mg, since the administration of the drug at higher doses is accompanied by soreness at the injection site.

At high doses of fospurin or with increased sensitivity, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia are possible. In these cases, the same measures are carried out as when suppressing hematopoiesis from other antitumor drugs.

Fospurin is contraindicated in violations of the liver and kidneys, with significant leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, with terminal conditions.

Form release: fonurin lyophilized for injection (Phopurinum lyophilisatum 0.04 rro inj.) - white or white with a slightly yellowish tinge porous mass or powder of 0.04 g in sealed ampoules in a package of 10 ampoules.

Storage: List A. In the dark place at a temperature of not more than +10 C.