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Description medications: Raunatin (Raunatinum)

Raunatinom (Raunatinum).

The preparation containing the amount of alkaloids from the roots of the plant Rauwolfia serpentina or other raufolfii.

Powder from yellow to brown in color with a reddish tinge; slightly soluble in water, soluble in alcohol, chloroform.

It contains reserpine, serpentine, aymalin and other alkaloids. The total alkaloid content (on dry basis) of not less than 90%.

Similar overall preparations from the roots of Rauwolfia produced abroad under the title: Rauvazan, Gendon, Raudixin, Raupina, Rauwasan, Rauwiloid and others.

Pharmacological properties raunatina largely associated with the presence therein of reserpine, but it contains other alkaloids give it additional pharmacological characteristics.

The main pharmacological properties raunatina is its hypotensive effect, it also has anti-arrhythmic action; besides causes sedation CNS. Effects on the CNS is less pronounced than that of reserpine, while the hypotensive action raunatin substantially inferior to reserpine.

The hypotensive effect raunatina occurs more gradually than the effect of reserpine.

The main indication for the use raunatina is hypertension, especially in stage I and II. In psychiatric practice Raunatin widespread use has not expressed due to insufficient antipsychotic effect, but it can be used in neurotic states.

Assign inside tablets. Typically, one starts with the reception of a tablet containing 0.002 g (2 mg) of total alkaloids, overnight; on day 2 and 1 tablet taken two times per day, on the 3rd day 3 tablets and the total dose was adjusted to 4 - 5 - 6 tablets per day; taking the drug after meals. After the onset of therapeutic effect (typically after 10 - 14 days) the dose was gradually reduced to 1 - 2 tablets per day. The course of treatment usually lasts for 3 - 4 weeks, but sometimes take medication long-term maintenance dose (1 tablet per day). Treatment should be under medical supervision. At the same time raunatinom (or sequentially) can be assigned to other antihypertensive agents, medications ganglioblokiruyuschie apressin, dihlotiazid and others.

Raunatin usually does not cause side effects. Some patients tolerate it better than reserpine. In some cases, there is swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, sweating, weakness; in patients with angina is sometimes worse pain in the heart. Adverse events were decreased dose or after short-term (1 - 3 days) interruption of taking the drug.

Product form: film-coated tablets containing 0,002 grams (2 mg) of the drug.

Storage: List B. The well-sealed cans or bottles of dark glass.

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