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Description of the medicine: Carbidine (Carbidinum)

CARBIDINE (Carbidinum). 3, 6-Dimethyl-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 9a-hexahydro-g-carboline dihydrochloride.

Synonym: Dicarbine dihydrochloride.

White or white with cream-colored crystalline powder. In the light and from the darkness darkens. Easily soluble in water, very little - in alcohol; The pH of the solutions is 2, 0 - 2, 5.

Has neuroleptic, antipsychotic activity, has a moderate antidepressant effect. Strengthens the action of drugs and analgesics. Has a central adrenolytic effect.

Applied with periodic, depressive-paranoid schizophrenia, circular schizophrenia with a depressive-paranoid structure of attacks, with other forms of schizophrenia with a predominance of depressive-delirious disorders, as well as in simple schizophrenia with affective disorders, with alcoholic psychoses.

Assign inside (after eating) or intramuscularly, starting at 12, 5 mg and adjusting the dose to 75 - 150 mg per day (in 3 divided doses). If an increase in the dose (up to 150 mg) is observed, the dose is reduced to 75-50 mg. With good tolerability, the dose, if necessary, is gradually increased. Patients with severe affective and apathoabulic disorders in the long-standing schizophrenic process are sometimes dosed to 400 to 600 mg per day.

When alcoholic psychosis is administered intramuscularly at 0.05 g (50 mg) 3 - 4 times at intervals of 2 hours, then 3 times a day.

Possible side effects: hand tremor, stiffness, hyperkinesia. If necessary, appoint cycloid or other antiparkinsonic drugs.

Contraindicated in violations of liver function, drug poisoning and analgesics.

Forms of release: tablets of 0.025 g (25 mg) coated; 1, 25% solution in ampoules of 2 ml (25 mg).

Storage: List B. In a dry, sheltered from the world.