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Description of the medicine: Tetrindolum (Tetrindolum)

TETRINDOLUM. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexahydro-8-cyclohexyl-1H-pyrazino (3,2, 1-j, k) carbazole hydrochloride.

White with a yellowish or yellowish-greenish tinge crystalline powder. Almost nerastvorim in water, little soluble in alcohol.

According to its chemical structure, tetrendol is close to pyrazidol, it is distinguished by the presence of a cyclohexyl radical in the 8 position of the pyrazinocarbazole nucleus instead of the CH3 group.

According to its pharmacological properties, tetreenol is close to pyrazidol. It is also a reversible, short-acting selective MAO inhibitor of type A. The drug actively inhibits the deamination of noradenalin and serotonin, and to a lesser extent of tyramine, which virtually eliminates the danger of developing a "cheese" (tyramine) syndrome.

Tetrindole does not have anticholinergic action. Like pyrazidol weakened the depressant effects of reserpine, potentiated the effects of phenamine, L-dopa, 5-hydroxytryptophan.

The drug is rapidly absorbed when ingested, easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier, is found in the brain tissues at relatively high concentrations.

An important feature of the therapeutic effect of tetreenol is the rapid onset of the effect. Unlike other antidepressants, whose effect is manifested after 7 to 10 days and later, the effect of tetreenol is observed after 2 to 3 days from the start of treatment.

In the spectrum of action of tetreenol is combined stimulating (psychoenergetic) and actually antidepressive (timoleptic) influence.

The drug is prescribed for depressions of different genesis: endogenous and psychogenic (reactive, neurotic), depression caused by organic brain lesions, with depressive disorders in patients with chronic alcoholism.

The use of tetreenol is preferred in depressive states of the cyclothymic level (simple melancholic syndrome, asthenic and adynamic disorders, depression with ideational and motor retardation, depressive disorders with predominantly hypochondriacal symptoms).

In the alcoholism clinic, tetreenol is used in asthenodepressive states, adynamic subdepressions that occur with decreased mood, depression, apathy, increased fatigue in the absence of severe anxiety, insomnia, dysphoric disorders, and outside the period of acute withdrawal.

Assign tetreenol inward in the form of tablets starting at a dose of 0.025 0.05 g (25-50 mg) per reception, 2 times a day (morning and afternoon) with a gradual (within 1 to 2 weeks) increase in the dose individually depending on the effectiveness And tolerance to 0.2-0.4 g (200-400 mg) per day. Selection of optimal doses, duration of treatment depends on the nature and course of the disease, the efficacy and tolerability of the drug.

Tetrindole is usually well tolerated, including elderly and senile patients.