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Description of the medicine: Fibrinosolum

FIBRINOSOL (Fibrinosolum).

The drug obtained by incomplete hydrolysis of fibrin of blood of cattle and pigs. Contains free amino acids and individual peptides.

Transparent liquid of light brown color with a specific odor (pH 6, 4 - 7, 4); Contains a total nitrogen of 0.6 to 0.8 g in 100 ml of the drug, amine nitrogen is at least 40% of the total nitrogen, tryptophan is not less than 50 mg in 100 ml.

It is intended for parenteral protein nutrition. Indications for use and contraindications are the same as for other protein hydrolysates.

Drip intravenously, starting at 20 drops per minute; With good tolerability, increase the number of drops to 60 per minute. The total amount for one infusion is up to 20 ml per 1 kg of the patient's weight. Before the introduction, the preparation is heated to body temperature.

With intravenous injection of fibrinosol, a feeling of heat in the body, heaviness in the head. In these cases, reduce the rate of administration, and if necessary, stop the administration of the drug.

Product: in bottles of 250,450 and 500 ml.

Storage: in a dark place at a temperature of + 4 to +20 'C.