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Hepatotropic agents

Until recently, the funds used specifically for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract, referred to as "cholagogue funds".
At present, in connection with the new data obtained, it is expedient to clarify the classification of these funds, dividing them into 3 subgroups:

K - cholagogue;
- Hepatoprotective agents;
- <cholelitholithic> means.

The group as a whole should be referred to as U "hepatotropic agents".
Cholagogue refers to drugs that increase the secretion of bile and promote its release into the duodenum.
Hepatoprotective agents improve metabolic processes in the liver, increase its resistance to pathogenic influences, accelerate the restoration of its functions under various damages.
<Chololitholytic> remedies promote the dissolution of gallstones.
The hepatotropic group includes subgroups: