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Harakovidnye (Characoidei)

After revision harakovidnyh held ichthyologist Jacques Géry in 1977, it is possible to give a detailed overview of this large group of fish whose representatives are exceptionally interesting for the aquarium. So, this suborder is divided into three and eleven African American families. About all of them will be discussed below.

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Black highlighted in the spread zone harakovidnyh

In principle, the suborder harakovidnyh include fish almost all tropical and subtropical regions. Most popular aquarium fish of these families is found in South America, especially in the vast Amazon basin. This is, primarily, tetra, and among them, the genera hemigramm (Hemigrammus) and hifessobrikon (Hyphessobryso n). In harakovidnyh difficult to detect common external signs. Among them are long and stretched, there is disc-shaped, there are fish with a short trunk and dense, with high back, there are long-headed. It is because of the diversity of these are divided into more narrowly restricted family. The structure of the head and mouth can be judged on lifestyle and nutrition. Harakovidnye all species have teeth. Those of them that are predatory lifestyle, teeth can be so long that fish can be difficult to close the mouth. Most individuals have a distinctive adipose fin between the dorsal and caudal fins. Only if their conditions are met really good fish show their best colors. Usually, they need soft and slightly acidic water.

005.jpg (88800 bytes) This fish is difficult to classify by their appearance alone.
002.jpg (79677 bytes) African hepset (Hepsetus)
003.jpg (84462 bytes) Atsestrorinh (Acestorhynchus)
Portraits mackerel hepseta African and South American relative atsestrorinha fully demonstrate their toothed.

They belong to the gregarious fishes. If you buy a "couple" in the pet store, do not be surprised that apart from the pack they are - depending on temperament - or wither alone or turn into arrogant individualists. At home harakovidnye live mostly in the calm current or stagnant water rich in vegetation. Roots and sometimes fallen trees offer them numerous shelters. The choice of food is not rich in natural conditions, and because these fish are not very choosy: often they greedily devour any food offered by the aquarist. But from time to time, they still have to "go hunting", to be able to treat your fish with all possible kinds of live food. Breeding harakovidnyh requires experience and detailed knowledge of their needs. Most harakovidnyh freely spawn in the aquarium, which means that they lose interest in their offspring immediately after spawning and the fry grow! Therefore, it is necessary to arrange a nursery aquarium so that the eggs were safe. To do this it is best to make a "spawning grate" and place it on the bottom of the rearing tank. Caviar It will fall into the cell and will be available for parents who may want to enjoy it. This lattice can be made of thin plastic tubes or rods: they must be suitable adhesive paste on a plastic substrate.

The literature often mention serrasalmidah ( "toothy salmons"), which in everyday life is often called piranhas or pirayyami, telling horrible stories about them. Rows of sharp wedge-shaped teeth on each jaw give them predators. They say that they can gobble up most of the skeleton large mammal or even human ... However, the traveler will go to South American rivers, should be wary of them no more than, for example, stingray-stingray, hiding in the bushes with his means of defense - a thorn. By interesting in terms of aquarium harakovidnym relate primarily tetras from South America included along with some other family in haratsidovyh. If a company in the aquarium is chosen incorrectly, that these fish often in danger from their own relatives. Most traders in aquariums comes in small amounts by-catch, consisting of little-known species. It may turn out to be predators - for example, from the families of African American or hepsetovyh (Hepseti d ae), American Trakhirov (Erythrinidae) or already mentioned the fish of the family of piranhas (Serrasalmidae). If you look at many small bites harakovidnyh, it is impossible not to wonder the strength of their teeth (precisely from the fact that these fish are so small). They feed on live prey, and often they have first crack chitin shell. When lovers populate these predators with more smaller fish, they are waiting for unpleasant surprises.

Despite all the differences in appearance, reproduce almost all harakovidnye similarly: they spawn in the open places, and greedily devour it themselves. This does not easily propagate all types. And so it happens that many of them cheaper import of aquatic farms of Southeast Asia, but the other can not be obtained, and there has to be imported to their present homeland (most often from Brazil or from West Africa). Of all the other fish caught in the will of most imported red neon (Paracheirodon axelrodi). This is one of the most popular fish in the aquarium. Types of fish that are larger, for example, and microhylidae poluzubye from South America or African tetras, reproduce very difficult, and almost no one does not do.