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Rivulievye (Rivulidae)

This family ranked as more or less well-known genera: rivulyus (Rivulus), pterolebias (Pte rolebias), Rachel (Rachovia), tsionlebias (Cynolebias), ostrofundulyus (Austrofundulus), neofundulyus (Neofundulus) and trigonekt (Trigo nectes). Like generations Aphyosemion and Aplocheilichthys, has many species Rivulus genus belongs to the largest: it includes more than 50 species. Rhode Cynolebias, represented nearly 30 species, can also be called extensive, while the rest is not so diverse.

Members of the genus rivulyus common in many regions of America, from Florida to some of the Caribbean islands. Central America, mountainous regions of Northern Argentina and Uruguay. The maximum size of these fish 1 0 cm, but not all of his reach. During my visits, they met me in many small and shallow ponds, depressions, ditches near the poorly laid roads. Anyone who provides these fish, we must know that they are great jump, and a bad cover on their aquarium like attracts so that they are through the very narrow slit can find a way to will - and death. But under natural conditions is the ability to save the fish jump, when everything dries up, they seek refuge in other, more full reservoirs. Is it possible to fish all so different in their living environment - the big question. Still, the nature and then take care of them by giving them different opportunities offspring hatch from eggs: after the break (dry season) or without this rest period. To rivulin diversity was more obvious, their views on certain grounds were divided into related groups. Certain fish beautiful colors specially bred, offered to trade, and due to this they have become widely known. This is primarily Rivulus holmiae of West Guiana, R. magdalepae of the Magdalena River in Colombia, R. tenius or disclosed for the first time only a few years ago, R. amphoreus from South America. Rarer species - very beautiful R. xiphidius South Guiana.

179.jpg (112472 bytes) Rivulus holmiae
180.jpg (93896 bytes) Rivulus amphoreus

As we mentioned above, rivuliny - excellent jumpers; in the tank, they can turn this skill into a habit, especially if the proposed living space they do not like. So, in the aquarium lid should be "no cracks" even where the necessary summed devices (heating, compressors, etc.). On the other hand, they - are masters to hide, so that only an experienced aquarist is able to determine whether in the business all his pets on the site. Aquarium device delivers less of a hassle; only when the content of many fish of the same sex should be divided aquarium driftwood or stones so as to obtain shelter for the fish, which in this case it would be easy to see.

Rod pterolebov includes only five types, the most common of which two were in the last decades: P. longipinnis and P. peruensis. Like their relatives from the genus tsinolebov, pterolebii - seasonal fish for spawning and fertilization buried in the ground (and of course he has to be really mild, such as peat). The species included in this genus, scattered throughout South America. I came across P. longipinnis Chaco in northern Argentina in the same flooded fields and ditches, where they lived and where Cynolebias bellottii was later discovered Apistogrannrna borellii (formerly A. reitzigi). P. longipinnis reaches a length of 10 cm; found not only in the designated area, but throughout the course of the Parana River, including the River Paraguay and Uruguay, although in some areas quite rare. The very name of the species P. peruensis says that he comes from Peru, from the system of the Amazon headwaters. Representatives of this species also grow up to 10 cm in recent years in Colombia and Venezuela began importing another kind -. P. zonatus.

183.jpg (70401 bytes) Pte rolebias longipinnis, male

Popular among aquarists are also different types of tsinolebov. Incidentally, tsinopetsilyus name (Sino poecilus) announced synonymous Cynolebias (Parenti, 1981). These fish are known from South America we have named "fan" and make the name of honor. They belong to the seasonal fish and breed in the manner described above, burrowing into the ground; in their native habitats they live in small and shallow ponds and grooves. They grow rapidly, due to the brevity of their lives, and therefore always have a good appetite. Body fan fish always strongly arched, which is especially evident in large males. As mentioned above, this genus comprises about 30 species (including former Cynopoecilus), and many of them have become very well known thanks to many publications. This C. alexandri, S. bellottii, C. elongatus, S. and C nigripinnis. whitei.

181.jpg (71258 bytes) Cynolebias whitei, male
182.jpg (70694 bytes) Cynolebias nigripinnisi, male
184.jpg (69511 bytes) Cynolebias alexandrii, male

The first of these of species closely related to S. nigripinnis, comes from Argentina, near the border with Uruguay. C. alexanc i ri, decorated with vertical stripes, is considered one of the most beautiful representatives of their kind. C. and bellottii C. elongatus also are the origin from Argentina. First it reaches a length of about 8.6 cm and most often painted or sinestalnoy brownish color (may be between transitional forms). S. elon gatus, reaching 10-14 cm, belongs to the largest species of all kinds. Its rapid growth Fersho researcher writes: "Five weeks old male 9-cm were painted dingy gray-blue color. Three weeks later they have grown up to 13 cm. However, increasing the length of all bending over their body. And only then I could see the true color of adult and ready for spawning fish! The body and fins of the males are bright, dark blue, while the females - dull, blue-black. " C and C nigripinnis. white i come from the South of Brazil (from Rio de Janeiro) and northern Argentina. The first of these species occur downstream Paraná River; the size of fish of 4-5 cm. But the males of S. whitei (8 cm) larger than their partners (5.5 cm). Fish of both species are decorated with dot pattern. The content and reproduction - see Aplocheilidae.. Members of this family also spawn an external substrate.