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Thayer - putter.

Small genus Thayer (Thayeria) family Haratsidovyh (Characidae), or American tetras, has to date only four fish species: straight Thayer Ifeta (Thayeria ifati Gery, 1959), tetra-penguin (T.obliqua Eigenmann, 1908), Santa Thayer Mare (T.sanctamariae Ladiges, 1951) and oblique Thayer (T.boehlkei Weitzman, 1957). The latter form will be discussed.
According M.Ilina ( "Aquarium fish farming", the publishing house of the Moscow University, 1965), in Europe oblique Thayer it was introduced in 1935 in the Soviet Union - in 1957.
They quickly adapted to the conditions of captivity and spread under the erroneous name "Thayer oblikva" or tetra-penguin. These "Penguins" is much larger (8 - 9 cm), and a broken black stripe on the body begins under the dorsal fin, diagonally crosses the body to the base of the caudal fin, and then lowered into its lower lobe.
T.boehlkei, aptly nicknamed hobbyists "stick" is one of the most original in coloring and habits of the inhabitants of indoor ponds, and is of undoubted interest for ornamental fish culture fans. They live fish in the tributaries of the Amazon, in Brazil and Peru. Maximum natural size -. 7 cm In the aquarium, they rarely reach a length of 5 cm, also under constant coming decades inbreeding fish much crushed.
Watch a flock of "sticks" is very funny: frozen motionless head up, the fish as if preparing to jump, but at the slightest signal of danger (rather careless movement of the hand near the aquarium glass) they amicably and quickly hide in thickets of plants, and reassured, resumed their former position.
Thayer did not are rich colors. The only decoration is a wide body velvet-black stripe that starts at the gill covers and extends along the body to the end of the lower lobe of the caudal fin, shape resembling a hockey stick. The general background of the body - silver-green, darker than the rest of the abdomen, fins are transparent, colorless. Sexual dimorphism is almost not expressed. Males are somewhat slimmer and slightly smaller than females.
By the terms of the content of the fish are unpretentious. In adult couple enough 6 - 8 liters of tap water defended the total hardness 5 - 10 degrees or more, pH = 6.8 - 7.0. For the decoration of the reservoir with the Thayer suit any plants, appropriate taste aquarist and water parameters. The bottom is filled with coarse sand or gravel, if possible dark colors - on the background of the fish look more spectacular. The water temperature is recommended in the range of 22 - 24 degrees C.
Thayer fit any live food (bloodworm, tubifex, koretra, lower crustaceans). You can give them and dry imported feed (preferably fortified).
Good neighbors become Thayer any peace hartsinovye also suitable rasbora, zebra, catfish and most viviparous toothcarps. The nature of "sticks" sociable, peace-loving, good health.
For spawning, despite the small size of the fish, you need a fairly large spawning (20 - 25 liters). Usually used for this purpose, plastic or glass jars. At the bottom of the spawning grounds, a safety net, as manufacturers readily eat the eggs.
The character of spawning substrate in principle irrelevant. You can use small-leaved plants (cabomba, preamble, peristolistniki, etc.), as well as possible and synthetic sponges or threads (more hygienic), arranged on a grid of beams.
Water for spawning should be clean, fresh, hardness 5 - 6 degrees, pH 6.5 - 6.8. For the preparation of such water are mixed in certain proportions to stand for 3 - 4 days, tap and distilled or demineralized ion exchange resins.
Spawning a temperature maintained at 28 degrees C. The desirable moderate aeration. As a rule, fish spawning put in the evening and when the female is ready to breed, the next morning, spawning occurs. Sometimes the process is delayed for a day or two.
Spawning is very rapid. The male seeks female to drive into the thicket of plants or artificial substrate and strong body blows knocks from her eggs. Spawning duration of 1.5 - 2 h. During this time, the female emits about 1000 small transparent eggs.
Due to the abundance of sexual products required after spawning to replace nearly all the water in the fresh of the same composition and temperature and make trypaflavine or methylene blue. If you do not, most of the eggs will be covered by Saprolegnia and die. There should also be a constant aeration of water. Bank desirable shade from bright light.
The development of healthy eggs is very fast. Within 12 - 13 hours, there are tiny larvae, which hang on the walls, the substrate or lie on the bottom of the aquarium. On the 4th day, the larvae take a horizontal position, spread out and begin to feed.
Starter feed for the first day is a ciliate. Ask it should be 4 - 5 times. Later used for feeding fry rotifers or nauplii Cyclops, brine shrimp a week later introduced to the menu of small Cyclops, etc. Difficulties in the feeding of juvenile abundance commensurate with live food there.
Fry grow quite quickly and months of age reached a length of 1 - 1.5 cm, and a month later they have a black stripe and adolescents acquire full color parents. Puberty Thayer reach the age of 8 - 9 months.

G. Faminskii, Nizhny Novgorod Aquarium № 2, 2001