Attention! Information is for reference only!
Before taking the course, consult a doctor!
WEB SITE ONLY DIRECTORY. NOT PHARMACY! We do not sell medicines! None!

Description of the medicine: Juice of aloe (Succus Aloes)

SOU ALOE (Succus Aloes).

Composition: juice from freshly prepared leaves (or "children") aloe 80 ml, ethyl alcohol 95% 20 ml, chlorobutanol hydrate 0.5%.

Slightly turbid liquid of light orange color, bitter to taste. Under the influence of light and air it gets dark.

Apply externally in the form of lotions or irrigation in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns, inflammatory skin diseases.

Inside prescribe for gastritis, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, constipation of 1 teaspoon 2 - 3 times a day for 20 - 30 minutes before meals.

The course of treatment is 15 to 30 days.

The form of release in bottles of 100 ml.

Storage: in a cool, dark place.