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Before taking you should consult with a doctor!
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Description medications: Proposol (Proposolum)

PROPOSOL (Proposolum),

The drug is packaged in azrozolnoy containing propolis 6 g, 14 g of glycerol, 95% ethyl alcohol and 80 g of propellant (Freon).

Clear liquid dark yellow with a balsamic odor.

Used as an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and analgesic stomatalogicheskoy in practice: in catarrhal gingivitis and stomatitis, aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis, glossitis and other inflammatory diseases of the mouth.

Aerosols irrigate the inflamed area 2 - 3 times a day; and by reducing inflammation 1 - 2 times a day until complete recovery (usually within 3 - 7 days).

The drug is contraindicated in persons with individual intolerance, allergies and allergic reactions to bee products.

Product: in aerosol containers with the valve assembly and the spray nozzle (50 g in a cylinder).

Storage: at a temperature not lower than 0'S and not more than 35 "C, away from the lights and heaters.

The packaging should be protected from shocks, falls, exposure to direct sunlight.