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Description of the medicine: Thrombinum

THROMBIN (Thrombinum).

Thrombin is a natural component of the blood coagulation system, formed in the body from prothrombin during the enzymatic activation of the latter with thromboplastin.

For use in medical practice, blood donors are obtained from the blood plasma.

White amorphous powder odorless. Soluble in a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride, the pH of the solution is 6, 2 - 7, 2.

The activity of the preparation is expressed in units of activity (EA). For 1 unit of thrombin activity, the activity of such an amount of the drug is taken that can be rolled up at a temperature of + 37 ° C 1 ml of fresh plasma for 30 s or 1 ml of a 0.1% solution of purified fibrinogen in 15 s.

Produced in glass bottles or in ampoules with a capacity of 10 ml, containing at least 125 units of activity. The amount of the drug, activity indicates a vial or ampoule.

Thrombin solution is used only topically to stop bleeding from small capillaries and parenchymal organs (with craniocerebral operations, operations on the liver, kidneys and other parenchymal organs, bleeding from the bone cavity, gums, etc., especially with Verlhof disease, aplastic and Hypoplastic anemia). When bleeding from large vessels, thrombin is not used. Introduction to the vein and the muscles is not allowed. Introduction to blood vessels can cause widespread thrombosis with a fatal outcome.

Before use, observing the rules of asepsis, open the ampoule with thrombin and sterile syringe, introducing into it a sterile isotonic solution of sodium chloride at room temperature. The amount of solution depends on the amount of thrombin contained in the ampoule and is indicated on the label. A thrombin solution is impregnated with a sterile haemostatic sponge or sponge with a hemostatic collagen (see) or a sterile gauze swab that is applied to a bleeding wound. Gauze swab is removed immediately after stopping the bleeding (if the wound is closed tightly) or with the next dressing (if the treatment is carried out in an open manner).

Remove the swab from the wound carefully to avoid damaging the blood clots. Hemostatic sponge, soaked in thrombin, can be left in the wound, as it subsequently resolves.

Storage: in a dry place at a temperature of + 2 to +10 'C.