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How to protect yourself from asteroids Killer our planet?
Scientific observer "KP" said Yaroslav Golovanov
the unique idea of Professor Yuri MAI Chudetskogo
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The attentive reader "Notes of your contemporary," which were published in the "KP" in 1998 - 2002 years, had to pay attention to the name, which is often repeated literally from the first notebook: Chudetsky. We have been friends 52 years. Of course, I am aware of all his worries and problems. But I never would have dragged him to the newspaper, if it had not been convinced that the current work of Professor MAI, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Yury Viktorovich Chudetskogo State Prize winner is extremely important for all of us. For all earthlings.
- Look, - he lays out in front of fan charts and tables me. - We will not swim in the distant past, we take only the last 100 years. So:
1908. The explosion at Tunguska River. Forest fall on an area of 2150 square kilometers. Estimated initial diameter of the cometary body about 40 - 50 meters. If he had arrived a few minutes later, the story would have ended Petersburg 205 th year of his life - today, this city would not exist.
1930. In the upper reaches of the Amazon River Brazilian meteorite fell. Italian missionary, recorded stories of Aboriginal people who thought it was the end of the world. Inrush timber such as in Tunguska explosion but power was 10 times less.
1947. Sikhote-Alin meteorite. He destroyed in the Earth's atmosphere, formed on the surface of 105 craters. The biggest - 26 meters in diameter.
In 1997, three fishermen trawlers observed flying a huge car. Their information was confirmed by two weather satellite. The car fell in the south of Greenland.
2002. Most recently, in September, "KP" wrote in detail about Vitim "stone." Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Mikhail Smirnov, one of the leading researchers of the Institute of Astronomy, said that after the Tunguska is perhaps the biggest clash in the last hundred years. It is clear that Vitimsky asteroid falls into the category killers. So, five cases in a hundred years. Is not it too much?
Then we began to think with Chudetskim why so many. And we decided that the reason is not that asteroids bombarded the Earth more frequently than in the past, but also in the fact that the world is rapidly developing information civilization, and all these collisions, we learn on the very next day. After all, as soon as it was? Leonid Kulik first went to study "Tunguska miracle" as many as 20 years after its fall. A Vitim meteorite fell on 25 September and in October of the taiga expedition returned with the first results (see. "KP" from 11.01.02.).
Astronomers have become much more keen, learned much better to look at the Earth approaching asteroids and report them. And seismologists peeled ears on the planet, and eyed the satellite signals from space, not to mention the military missile defense systems, which do not miss a single more or less large object. When in 1972 the 80-meter asteroid flying at an altitude of 80 kilometers, the Canadians thought it was a Soviet warhead. If he had, God forbid, fell to Canada, it would be the greatest cosmic catastrophe of the twentieth century.
When to expect?
Some experts say that the collision of Earth with a 10-kilometer (or more) asteroid happens once in 100 million years, with a diameter of up to 1.5 kilometers - every 300 thousand years. It is believed, for example, that the asteroid Eros, whose dimensions 15h40 km, certainly collide with Earth just a hundred thousand years.
Then we began to remember with Chudetskim different "horror" of the past. According to the Dutch scientist Henk Visskhera, 250 million years ago an asteroid destroyed 90% of all the Earth's animals and fish. Life, in fact, start all over again. The asteroid, which is about 65 million years ago broke the era of the dinosaurs, was apparently about 10 kilometers in diameter and weighing 500 thousand tons. 50 thousand years ago, a meteor fell Arizona. The diameter of the crater at the site of his fall - 1240 meters, depth - 170 meters. Nowadays we spotted from space: it turns out, the world around forty meteor craters with a diameter of about 20 kilometers, while Canada saw the contours of the meteorite crater with a diameter of 200 kilometers (!) (!). Maybe this asteroid and killed the dinosaurs?
Well, the dinosaurs - it's a long time, but in practice yesterday (in the astronomical scale) February 3, 1490 in the Chinese province of Shanxi asteroid-killer once killed 10 thousand people. March 23, 1989 an asteroid with a diameter slightly less than a kilometer across the Earth's orbit at a point where our planet was 6 hours before this! This is not 10 thousand in Shanxi, then the bill would go into the millions.
Where to wait?
- About 90% of all asteroids are in orbits between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, - says Chudetsky. - Several hundreds of thousands or millions - just say no one can. Influenced primarily planets of the solar system, the position of which is constantly changing, from the asteroid belt are pulled out separate blocks and fly on a variety of orbits. To predict when it will happen - it broke today, or maybe over 200 million years breaks out, what will leave a lump - large or small - and where it will fly - it is impossible. Such a mathematical problem, we will never be able to solve, because the separate blocks interact with each other and rearranged all the time in the asteroid belt. Some asteroids escape from the belt - their approximately 1,000 - eventually approach the Earth. About a hundred of them pose a threat to us, since crossed the orbit of the planet.
How to deal?
Now I want to deprive Chudetskogo words and tell you the essence of his work, because it is so clogged professor technicism that require translation from Russian into Russian. So, he proposes to create in the way of a dangerous asteroid to Earth some cloud. Do not gas, gas can not hold out for long in space, and of particles of very small, dusty. Chudetskogo Calculations show that each kilogram of these particles can knock out the asteroid's body at speed on a collision course about 50 km / sec. tons to its mass.
Well, how many of such dust is required? He calculated that to destroy an asteroid with a diameter of one meter - 100 grams of dust, for the ten-meter - 100 kilograms, for the hundred-meter - 100 tons. What is 100 tons in space? This launch five missiles "Proton", it is tough for earthlings. Yes, but if the diameter of a dangerous asteroid about one kilometer, you will need to have thousands of missiles! Expensive, Jura, is very expensive ...
- Yes, it is expensive, I understand. According to rough estimates of experts, for dangerous asteroids surveillance system is estimated at $ 50 million, plus 10 million a year to operate the system and protect the Earth from asteroids project will cost in the range of 1 to 10 billion dollars. But what we have there is an alternative, which it can generally be in today's scientific and technological level of our development ?! I have carefully read the works of nuclear physicists. The best solution is considered to start to meet with an asteroid missile with a nuclear warhead. Even Edward Teller, the "father of the American hydrogen bomb," proposed to deal with hazardous asteroids with a giant charge, which will exceed about 10 thousand times the most powerful charge that Khrushchev demonstrated to the world in the New Earth. But the idea with a nuclear bomb makes me inner protest: as well as the rocket will fly not where it allowed? What I suggest, is absolutely ecologically clean business ...
When conduct "reconnaissance in force"?
- I understand that all my calculations require verification in deep space - said Yury. - I think that will not reveal a big military secret if I say that these experiments in near space have already been held in the Soviet Union. I myself took part in the missile launches, which created artificial cloud formations stretching for hundreds of kilometers with the aim to make the work of radar interference, general information, systems of a potential enemy. Now a completely different task. The experience should be put "on location": a real asteroid. For example, Toutatis (asteroid number 4179), which regularly flies past Earth. In December 1992, the asteroid with a diameter of 3 kilometers to the Earth at a distance of about 3 million kilometers. In September 2004 and in November 2008 he was again close to our planet on an even shorter distance. and it is known that the Earth comes closer to the asteroid 2002-NT-7 February 1, 2019 with a diameter of about 2 kilometers, flying at a speed of 29 km / sec. Orbit it is specified, it will crash into the Earth or not - no one knows, because it is still quite far away, and other celestial bodies may be able to for 17 years to adjust its orbit most tragic way to earthlings. So I want to until 2019, my method has been tried, so he stood on the armed globe!
The fact that asteroids - a global problem to be solved is not the minister, not the president, not the country, and all mankind. In March 1996, the Council of Europe recommended that governments heed the warnings of scientists. At the beginning of that year, a special program has been adopted in the US, then the call of the Council of Europe responded to France, Germany and Italy. In England, a center of asteroid defense. Already I started to be realized international project "Spaceguard", which in different parts of the globe will be installed six 2.5-meter telescope, which should warn us about dangerous asteroids. A number of design centers in our country are trying to unite and begin development of a planetary defense system "Citadel". Coordinate their efforts is going to non-profit partnership "Planetary Defense Center."
July 4, 2005 Americans are going to "shoot" the 350-pound projectile into comet Temple, which can be considered as the first step of checking the kinetic method. It is necessary to combine the efforts and resources, it is necessary from the words and the passive observation of the sky go to the real means to protect the Earth!
When Chudetsky left, I began to think alone. That the US is preparing for war with Iraq. Deposed they Hussein, or it will remain? Lord, what is this trifle in comparison with the threat that hangs over the planet! It hangs permanently, and sooner or later, but it will certainly turn into a reality. Astronomers calm: over the next hundred years, we were not in danger. Believe me, though with difficulty. And then? Why zaturkanny immediate problems that seem paramount to us, we are violating the main instinct of all living things - the instinct of caring for offspring? Why is it we do not leave a proven, reliable protection of the weapon? Or is it we live according to the proverb: "While the thunder breaks out, peasant will not cross" ?!
I dreamed a terrible phantasmagoria. On the burned earth beneath the dusty air, which does not make their way through the rays of the sun, my distant prapraprapravnuk finds a piece of paper and a dirty smearing his fingers through his tears on the black face, shouting: "But they are warned! In the early twenty-first century, and alerting the Ali! .. "
If the asteroid will fly ...
A large asteroid in a collision with the Earth is capable of initiating colossal disasters, including the liquidation of life on the planet. When injected into the Ocean tsunami will destroy all the city on its shores. But even if humanity will survive and then be limited to the local continental catastrophe, it may cause not only a very high seismic activity. The sky is the rise of dust that the sun's rays can not get through it, which will lead to a crisis of the entire flora of the Earth, and therefore - to famine on a global scale.
Publication date 09.11.2003gg.

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