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The most common aquarium plants

Ludwigia repens
(Ludwig creeping)

071.jpg (93045 bytes) Synonyms: L. mullertii and L. na t ans

Homeland: Tropical North and South America, Caribbean

It is a plant of American origin over time and spread in some areas of southern Europe. His happy aquarists use for a particular type of domestic water reservoirs. The reason for this is primarily the unusual color of the leaves, their red downside. This coloring depends on the light: it may soon fade with poor lighting. Stem plants occurs up to 60 cm in length. At the same time, however, it needs a more fertile soil than he usually offer. When the temperature is not very high, that is not much higher than 23 ° C, Ludwig excellent growth. If it starts to drop lower leaves, it is necessary to remove it from the ground, cut the lower end, and plant again.