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Hemiodidovye or Poluzubye (Hemiodidae)

Fish of various species of this family are relatively small; live in South America. From the point of view of the aquarium genera and species had a large role not played. We describe seven genera: hemiodopsy (Hemiodopsis), hemiody (Hemiodus), pterohemiody (Pte rohemiodus), argonekty (Argonectes), bivibranhii (Bivibranchia), parodony (Parodon) and sakkodony (Saccodon). Very often we get to some types hemiodopsov - N. gracilis, N. and N. semitaeniatus quadrimaculatus, sometimes goeldii N. and N. Sterni; more often they are an interesting addition to the common ornamental aquariums. Imports almost all poluzuby; they are accustomed to soft water or very soft, relatively acidic. They can slowly train to a high level of rigidity. They love the company of their fellow species.

027.jpg (89633 bytes) Hemiodopsis gracilis
028.jpg (106028 bytes) Hemiodopsis semitaeniatus

Types of delivery and parodon sakkodon united in the subfamily parodontin (Parodontinae), live close to the river bottom. They have adapted to this lifestyle: they have breasts flat and wide, and deep-set pectoral fins serve as support bodies in the "landing" on the bottom or "promotion" on the bottom. On sale there are many species of the genus parodon, but it is difficult to list them by name - and because of the amount, and due to the lack of material for comparison. All poluzubov can be kept in large aquariums and with other species. The only thing they need is space for swimming.