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Bokocheshuyniki or doradidae catfish (Doradidae)

This family includes catfish genera akantodorov (Acanthodoras), agamiksov (Agamyxis), amblidorov (Ambludoras) astodorov (Astodoras), hemidorov (Hemidoras) opsodorov (Opsodoras), platidorov (Platydoras), psevdodorov (Pseudodoras) and others. All of them have their origin in South America. In the native habitats of these fish are often encountered in shallow water. They are covered with "armor" (lamellae) and protected from any attacks or bites spikes and hooks. The greatest activity occurs in them at night. In the aquarium to keep them is not difficult. Stellate agamiks (Acanthodoras spinosissimus) inhabits the Central Amazon; . Its length is about 15 cm These fish are armed with spines, hence the name (spinosus - covered with spines or thorns). Keep it should be at a temperature of 22 to 26 ° C. In the natural habitats they feed on a variety of live food, and therefore in the aquarium gladly accept meat food. If these fish are active at night and twilight, in the aquarium can not find a sufficient number of shelters, it may happen that they will dig into the ground.

119.jpg (99057 bytes) Orinocodoras eigenmanni

Agamyxis pectinitrons known by many aquarists as a comb agamiks. It is easily recognizable by the colors: basic black background decorated with a pattern of off-white or light beige specks. In size it does not differ from the last of these species; it can contain in the same conditions. Amblidor Hancock (Amblydoras hancockii) also reaches about 15 cm in length; found throughout the Amazon river. Contents: see A. spinosissimus.. Striped platidor (Platydoras costatus) - one of the most beautiful fish in the entire family, but at the same time and one of the largest (up to 20 - 24 cm). Her body was a deep black color covers the pattern of white lines, fins and also bordered by white. Especially noticeable white first rays of the pectoral fin. This type also comes from the Amazon basin. Keep it should be the same as the rest bronyakov.

120.jpg (97069 bytes) Platydoras costatus