
Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in a deck: 32
Number of players: 4
The seniority of the cards: 7, 8, 9, B, D, K, 10, T.
Purpose of the game: to win the game in one of two ways: to score 12 or more points in the game; Score 120 points in the hand. The game consists of several games, which are called handouts.
Rules of the game. Card game Belka is a popular game among the inhabitants of Karaganda and other cities of Kazakhstan, it is believed that the game was brought by the British. They play a couple. The game consists of several parts. One game consists of one distribution of cards and eight drawings. The cost of cards in points: an ace - 11 points, 10 - 10 points, a king - 4 points, a lady - 3 points, a jack - 2 points, 7, 8, 9 - nothing worth. The total number of points of all cards is 120. The number of points in the game and the number of points in each hand (raffle) varies. Jacks are always the trump cards of their seniority: jack of clubs, jack of spades, jack of hearts, jack of diamonds. The first deliverer is determined by lot or otherwise. In the next game, the next player is dealt clockwise or counterclockwise (at the discretion of the players) after the first deliverer. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed by the player to the left of the handler and each player is dealt 8 cards on two cards at a time counter-clockwise. When distributing cards in the first game, truffs are always trump cards. In the following games, the trump suit is defined as follows: after the first game played, determine and remember the player who had the jack's card in his hands and this player is assigned the suit of clubs, the player on the right is assigned the suit of the worm, the player is assigned the suit of the peak and the player who sits On the left, the suit of the tambourine is assigned. In the following games, when distributing cards, the player who receives the jack of clubs must inform the remaining players about this and the trump card is determined by the suit assigned to him in the first game. The first move in the game belongs to the player on the left or right (at the discretion of the players) from the handler. The card of this player determines the suit of this drawing. All players put one card on the table in clear form. The card should be put in the same suit, if there is no card of the suit, then the player can throw any card. Jacks always belong to the current trump suit. Then the player who takes the laid cards (bribe) is determined, the same player has the right to start the next draw of cards. After eight drawings, when players do not have cards on their hands, they count the points in the played game. A pair of players who scored from 61 to 90 points in the game, opens 1 point in the game, if scored from 91 to 119 points, then opens 2 points. If the jack of clubs in the distribution was in the rivals, then one more point is added. If a pair of players gain 60 points, then points in the game are not added and in the next game the winning pair of players can optionally add 4 points or reward rivals with the title "zhumyrtka (eggs)". If a pair of players in the game collects 120 points (this situation is called "goal"), then the game is considered won.

Card game Belka, you, can download free of charge as part of the collection of card games from the main page of the site or by the link above.




In different regions of Kazakhstan they play differently. For example, the distribution of cards and the course of the game can go both clockwise and against it. Therefore, the definition of a trump suit goes along the clockwise direction: hearts, peaks, tambourines. Accordingly, the deck is removed by the player counter-clockwise. Points are calculated using 6-ok. There are additional rules: it is forbidden to throw off an ace not playing suit; In the first drawing the winner opens strictly 2 points. If a "goal" occurs, the game continues on without determining the trump suit, only the batch count increases. The lost pair on points is awarded with the title "ешкi" (goat), until they recoup.

Squirrel (version of the game with the "eyes")

The game follows the rules of the game, as written above, with the following additions and changes. The game has a new term "eyes", which means read on.
The game involves 36 cards. From the deck, the sixes are seized and divided equally between the teams as follows: 2 black sixes give one team, and 2 red sixes to the other team. On each six there are 6 marks, which are called "eyes", so each team gets 12 eyes. In the course of the game, these eyes are opened and the team wins that team whose eyes at the end of the game will not be fully opened, respectively, the team that will be opened all eyes is considered a loser, but this does not count if a clean victory occurs, From the teams takes all, without exception, bribes in one game.
In this version of the game, the team that wins more than 60 points at the end of the hand wins. The order of opening the eyes at the end of the hand is as follows:

1 eye - if the team scored more than 60 points and during the distribution of the trump was from this team;
2 eyes - if the team scored more than 60 points and during the distribution of the trump was from the opposing team.

There is a milestone of 30 points when counting points, which is called "saved" and if one of the teams scores less than 30 points, then when you open your eyes, one more eye is added to them. If one of the teams scored more than 60 points and during the distribution of the trump was from this team, and the team of the opponent did not get saved, then open two eyes. If one of the teams scored more than 60 points and during the distribution of the trump was from the opposing team and besides the opponent's team did not score, then 3 eyes are opened.
If both teams scored 60 points (eggs), in this case the game continues and in this distribution the eyes are not opened and the next hand is placed with 4 eyes, that is, the winner of the next deal opens 4 eyes.

The system of penalties

If the player forgot to move the deck, then the command of this player opens the eye.
If the player, in the presence of a card in the suit stroke did not put it, and put a card of another suit, then the team of this player opens the eye.
If the player moves three times to nine, then this player's team is opened the eye and the player re-moves, and each next nine after the shift - opens one eye, moves the player until there is a nine.

Special terms of the game

It is forbidden to shift under one card.
When handing over cards, it is allowed to open 2, 4 or 6 cards to all players in any sequence, provided that two cards are deposited at a time.
Permission reassignment cards if the player at the beginning of the game the amount of points was less than 13, or on the hands were 4 nines.
If there were 3 re-cards in a row, then the team that distributes one eye opens.