Deberts (Calabriaz, Klobberyash, Klob, Bela)

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in a deck: 32
Number of players: 2
Seniority of cards: in trump suit - 7, 8, D, K, 10, T, 9, B; In a noncross suit - 7, 8, 9, B, D, K, 10, T.
Purpose of the game: first dial 501 points or more.
Rules of the game. It is believed that the card game Debertz appeared in Russia in the mid 70-ies of the XX century and was popular among the generation of people who lived at that time. In Scotland, this game is called Bela. Debertz game is intelligent and has a large number of options: Moscow Deberts; Kharkov Debertz; Debertz for two; Deberts for three and other options. On many sites you can play this game online.
First, we describe the rules of the game in Deberts according to the Moscow rules, since all other variants of the game are derived from the Moscow Deberts. Then consider all the remaining varieties.


Moscow Deberts

Trade. The first deliverer in the game is determined by the draw, in the next game, the player who accumulates the most points in the previous game (in some companies hand over the cards in turn) hands over the cards. The deck is carefully packed, removed and each player is dealt 6 cards of 3 cards at a time. The remaining deck is placed on the center of the table in a closed form. The top card of the deck opens and is placed next to this trump card.
Players, starting with the opponent handler, order the game on the first trump card. A player can say "Paz" or "I'm playing". If only one of the players says: "I'm playing", then the game is considered ordered. This player must score more points than his opponent. If both players fold, then in order of priority players assign a trump any other suit. If the players again fold, then the deck with the cards is re-shuffled already by another player and the players are dealt 6 cards again. If the game is ordered, then to each player the sender gives out 3 more cards. Total for each player on 9 cards on hands. The task of each player is to score more points by taking bribes, or for declaring combinations.

Combinations of cards. After the trade, a rally of bribes begins. Before the draw of a bribe, the player who walks first can announce the existence of special combinations of cards and get points for it. A special combination of cards is called a combination. The combination can be announced only after winning a bribe or when the player is first in the game. Another player has the right to interrupt the declared combination with his combination, if it is older. As a result, the player who has the highest hand will be awarded points for the combination. There are 3 card combinations: fifty kopecks - 4 cards of the same suit in a row; Terz - 3 cards of the same suit in a row; Bella - trump king and trumpet lady. Any fifty kopecks is older than any tertz. Tertz or fifty kopecks from the senior card is older than the same combination from the younger one. For example, the tertz of ten (10, K, D) is older than the tertz from jack (B, 9, 8). The trump card above the uncut trump of the same dignity. If both players have a combination of equal length, then the highest one is the one that starts with the highest card. If the combinations are still equal in all respects, the older one is the one declared first. If combinations of equal length and start with a card of equal value, and one of the combinations is trump, then the senior becomes trump. If the player has several combinations on his hands, then the player has the right to declare only the highest combination. If the opponent does not interrupt the player's senior combination, the player can declare all other combinations, those that are younger than the first one declared. In these combinations there should not be any common cards. For example, you can not simultaneously declare fifty from an ace and a tertz from a jack (trumps), since the jack is a common card for two combinations. The exception is Bella. Bella can enter any other combination. Bella does not interrupt other combinations and does not interrupt other combinations herself. For the Bell, points are simply awarded.
The first to announce the presence of a combination of the rival handler. Let's consider an example. Suppose he declares a combination of tertz, the sender does not answer anything, he does not have a fifty-kopek or tart. In this case, points for the combination are credited to the rival handler and he makes the first move to draw a bribe. If the handler has a combination, then he says "growth", which means that you need to compare the combinations of cards of both players. The handler's contender says "from the king", if the handler has a starting card in a combination lower, then he says "yours" and the combination is credited to the rival handler, if the sender says "from the jack in trumps", then the sender credits himself points for the tertz and points for the combination , Which he has, except for the grater, for example, for a fifty-kopeck piece.
At his turn the player can declare a belle.

Drawing. After the announcement of the combination or vice versa, there were no ads, players play bribes. The rival of the handler goes first in the game. Next comes the player who takes the last bribe. You need to go with one card. You need to answer the card in suit, if there is no such card, then you can put any card. If the move is made from a trump card, then it is necessary to interrupt, that is, to put a trump card of a higher value than the card with which the move is made. If the game is ordered from the first trump, and the player on hand has a trump card seven, then he has the right to replace it with a card that determines the suit of the first trump card when surrendering. When one of the players announces that he has scored 501 points or higher, then the game ends, and this player becomes the winner. A player can announce this only after any bribe he has taken except the last one until the opponent has made a move. If both players score a winning number of points simultaneously, then the winner is the player who took the last bribe. In the event that the player on the designated trump has taken more points than his opponent, then each player records to himself the number of points he scored. If the player on the designated trump has taken less points than his opponent, then in this case this player does not write himself any points, and his opponent writes himself points, such a situation in the game is called a bide. If the player on the designated trump has scored the same number of points as his opponent, then this situation in the game is called a hanging bide, the player does not record his points until the next game, and his opponent writes down. The player's points seem to hang in the air until the next game. These points are added to the player who will gain the most points in the next deal. If the hanging bide is repeated 2 times in a row, then the players agree among themselves: 1 option - play the next time the amount of both bytes; 2 option - to play next time the sum of points of the first baida, and the amount of points of the second baida in the next deal. After the hanging card, the player who ordered a trump card in the previous game gives the card.

Scoring. The game goes to 501 points. Points are counted only after the end of the drawing. Points are composed of the points of declared combinations, the cost of points for bribes and the last bribe. Kozyrniy Jack scored for 20 points for the second time do not consider.

Points for bribes

2 points - jack in simple suit;
3 points - the lady;
4 points - the king;
10 points - 10;
10 points for the last bribe;
11 points - an ace;
14 points - 9 in trump suit;
20 points - jack in a trump suit.

Points after Combination

20 points - (bella) trump king with a lady;
20 points - (tertz) 3 cards of the same suit in a row;
50 points - (fifty kopecks) 4 cards of the same suit in a row.

Errors in the game and penalties. In the record of each player there is a "pencil rule" that is when the player records and does not take the counted cards into the deck, and then puts a pencil. If the opponent of another player has noticed the addition of extra points, then he points to this error and writes himself the difference, and from this player these points are written off. If you make a mistake of 100 points, the mistake is simply corrected without punishment. For a false announcement, for an extra card, a penalty for the renounce, the replacement of the first trump card with the seven opened during the game on the second trump card is a bide. A false announcement of the end of the game is punished immediately by losing the game.

Kharkiv Deberts

This version of the game differs from the Moscow Deberts by the following: from two equal combinations, advantage is given not to the trump card, but to the card announced earlier; Tertz from ace of trump is not the most senior of all possible.

Deberts to 301 points

In this version of the game, the game is played not up to 501 points, but up to 301 points.

Short Deberts

In this version, the Deberts are played according to the rules of the Moscow Deber, with the exception of the following changes in the rules. These changes serve as game options.

Short Debec: the player who scores more points wins.
Short Deberts in one change without a bida alone: ​​the player who gets the most points wins; Who ordered the trump does not matter.
Short dberts in one change without a bidet threesome: the player who gets the most points wins; Who ordered the trump does not matter.
A short debuber in one change with a baid together: a player who ordered a trump card, in case of a smaller set of points than his opponent, loses a double bet - a double bid.
A short debuff in one change with a three-way threesome: the player who ordered the trump card, in case of a win, receives one "bet" from each player, in case of a loss - he pays each one a "bet". A bet means a certain number of points.
A short debentz in one change with a dawn (offer to surrender) together. The player who says "Dove" offers the opponent to surrender for a certain number of points or to play for a double amount of these points. The same player has no right to make an offer 2 times in a row. If the opponent of the proposed player accepts the offer to increase the bet, then the right to make the next Dove belongs to him. In the event that he proposes to increase the bet, the right of the next dave again passes to the opponent.
The increase in the rate is negotiated between the players before the start of the game and can carry both arithmetic and geometric progression.

Debertz with fifty dollars

This version of the game implies the following rules in the game: at any time after the opponent has assigned a trump, but before the last three cards are completed, the player can offer the opponent to record 50 points without the game. If the break in the score record reaches 250 points, then the game will be considered complete, and the win will belong to the player who leads in the account.

Debertz threesome

This version of the game is played with the following changes in the rules.
1. The player who ordered the game must score more than the players in the total. Otherwise, it is considered a bide, which whistlers are written in half. If there is not a baida, then each whistling player writes down his glasses.
2. Announcements of whistling players are added if the oldest of them passes. The player needs to interrupt the ads of both players, since only in this case he can record his announcement.
3. In the case of a suspended canoe, the points are played out in the same way as in the Deberts two. With a second turn in the next change, the sagging points are divided equally between the whistlers.
4. If one of the players accumulates an agreed number of points, then the game is considered complete. If by the time of recording the results the agreed number of points was scored by two or three players, then the winnings are recorded to the player who took the last bribe.