Twenty down

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in a deck: 32
Number of players: 4
The seniority of the cards: 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: be the first player to score 0 or less points.
Rules of the game. The German card game, the rules of which the game developed by Ralf Brostedt. Play four together with a deck of 32 cards. The game consists of several transactions. One deal consists of five draws of cards. The first deliverer is determined by lot or at will, in the following transactions, players pass cards in turn, clockwise. The deck is carefully packed and each player is dealt two cards. Then the player to the left of the handler should choose a trump suit from two of his cards. After the player declares a trump suit, the sender hands out three more cards to each player, so that each player has five cards. Then, starting with the player to the left of the handler, each player has the right to discard 3 of his cards and in return receive 3 other cards from the remaining deck, if the player arranges his cards, he does not reset them. Then begins the draw of cards. The first move belongs to the player to the left of the handler. The player can enter from any of his cards, which he places in the center of the table in clear form, then every player clockwise must put a card of the same suit, if there is no card of that color, then he must put a trump card, if he does not, Any card. The player who places the highest card in the suit of the first turn card, if the trump card was laid, then the one who places the trump card (or the senior trump card) will take the laid out cards (bribe). The player who took the bribe, goes first in the next draw of cards. There are five drawings in total, after which the points are counted.

The player subtracts one point from his points for each taken bribe that he won.

The player who won all the bribes subtracts an additional 5 points.

A player who does not take a single bribe adds 5 points to his points.

All of the above indicators are doubled if the card is trump card.

If, after eight trades played, none of the players reached 0 points, then the rules change and the ninth and subsequent deals play with the trump card (the player to the left of the handler loses the right to choose a trump suit). The first player wins, the points of which become equal to zero or negative points. If two or more players receive zero points and negative points, then the winner is the one who has the most negative points.