
Number of decks: 1 (2) Number of cards in pack: 52
Number of Players: 2, 4 (two on two), 6 (3 pairs of players)
Precedence card 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T
Goal of the game: first dial 200 (500) points.
Rules of the game. This game is derived from Poland or Ukraine, with absolute probability is hard to argue, but play it, Canadians of Ukrainian descent in Western Canada. The game is for two players or two pairs of players, or three pairs of players. If you play two or four pair to pair, use a single deck of 52 cards when the six of us, two decks are used by 52 th of each card. Consider four of the game for a couple of pair. Players Partners sit opposite each other. The first deliverer is determined by lot, and in the next game losing player of the losing couple (team). The deck is shuffled thoroughly, removed at will and each player is dealt 4 cards, the remaining deck is placed face down in the middle of the table. The first move in the game the player belongs to the left of the deliverer (the opponent). The player can go with her any cards, each succeeding player immediately clockwise to put their any map. Aces and tens are the high cards and are worth 10 points each. Players lay out one of his card as long as any of the players will not put an ace or a ten, and the player takes all the cards melded and begins to draw new cards. As soon as the cards for all players in the end the hands, in order of priority, starting with the player to the left of the deliverer they get their hands on up to four and continue to draw cards. Once all the cards are played, the players are beginning to count points for the cards they have. For every ace and ten are awarded 10 points for the rest of the card points are not charged. The team that won the last trick gets an additional 10 points. If one team wins all the tricks, and left his rivals "naked", it receives 170 points instead of 90 possible, though this happens very rarely. Usually set to play 200 points, if the game up to four players, with more players play up to 500 points. Accordingly, the team to score 200 (500) points, and the first is the winner.
Note. There is a version of the game when one team takes all the bribes, in addition to the fact that it is charged 170 points, opponents' points are reset to zero, as the players say "shake" rivals or "burn" their points.
Rules of the game translated to the English language and have difficulties in translating a process of drawing a bribe. It is possible that the card can be played in a different way. Exactly it was difficult to translate.