
Number of decks: 1 (2)
Number of cards in pack: 52
Number of Players: 2 (4)
Precedence card 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T
Goal of the game: score the most points.
Rules of the game. Rules of the game gave Daniel Czech. For the game requires a deck of 52 cards. Play 2 player, can play four, but then need two decks. The game is played clockwise. The first deliverer of the game is determined by lot, in the following games players are dealt cards at a time. The deck is thoroughly shuffled and each player is dealt 6 cards that lie in front of him in a closed form, divided into 2 rows of 3 cards. The first of the three cards the player is permitted to view, the other three can not. Then the deliverer draws 5 cards to each player, which he takes in hand. The remaining 30 cards are placed in the middle of the table face down in a pile of a reserve, the top card is removed from the reserve and placed in the clear side, the first fold. The first move in the game the player belongs to the left of the deliverer, which in its course can make a choice of one of four versions of the game:

1. Take the top fold and discard one card in the discard pile.

2. Take the top card from the reserve, and discard one card in the discard pile.

3. Take the top card from the reserve, put her face down to the six hole cards that are in front of the player and one of the six cards in the discard pile to lose.

4. Knock on the table with his knuckles, that would mean the end of the game.

Thus, the game takes place in a clockwise direction until the reserve until the end or one player knocks on the table, wanting to stop her. As soon as the game ends (stops), all players reveal their cards in hand. And start scoring.

For the six cards, which were closed as the following points are awarded to the player:

1 point - for each ace;

2 points - for each jack;

3 points - for each of the king;

5 points - for each lady.

In the five cards that are in your hand are awarded: one point for each card image (jack, queen, king, ace) and the number of points equal to the lowest card.

For example, a player has 6 cards - T, A, B, C, D, 9, and 5 cards - 4, 7, 7, 9, respectively T. player accrued for 6 cards - 13 points and 5 cards - 5 points (for four - 4 points and an ace - 1 point).

The player who attains the most points is the winner.