
Number of decks: 2 Number of cards in pack: 52 and 3 jokers
Number of Players: 2 - 6
The seniority of cards: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, C, E, K, T, Joker.
Goal of the game: to gather at the largest number of cards in an avalanche at the end of the game.
Rules of the game. Rules of the game translated to English, and the authors are Legreydi Gábor and György Kapolnas. Play two decks and six jokers. The first deliverer is determined by lot or on request, in the following games players are dealt cards by turns clockwise. The deck is thoroughly shuffled and each player is dealt 10 cards. The remaining cards are placed face down pile in the middle of the table. The first move belongs to the player to the left of the deliverer and then the game continues clockwise around the table. At the beginning of the game the first player and each following can do the following:
1. Snow - take the top card from the deck itself and pass the course;
2. The beginning of the avalanche - to put one or more equal cards by value in the clear in the middle of the table, for example, you can put a pair of jacks or 7, or three tens.
When each player makes one move, and already on the table will be based on one or more cards, each player is already doing the following:
1. increases the avalanche - you can put the same amount of cards of equal or higher value or more cards of any value than the previous player put;
2. stop the avalanche - if the previous player has played at least two cards, the player can put the number of cards too, but the younger values;
3. drop an avalanche - the player can put less cards than the previous player to play cards or a lower value if the previous player has played a card.
If the avalanche of cards is growing, it is on the table and each player has their cards expands it.
If the avalanche falls (player obronyaet it), then all the cards are given to the avalanche the previous player to the right of the player who dropped it. The player who dropped it, puts an avalanche beside him in a pile face down.
If the avalanche is stopped, the cards are collected in the cascade stack in a closed manner and placed aside. These cards do not belong to anyone.
In the case where the avalanche stops or obronyaetsya then move that opens a new avalanche moves to the next player clockwise. Once the avalanche stops or obronyaetsya, each player gets their cards to 10 and the rest of the pack. Starting to get cards with the player who opened the avalanche and continue to gather additionally players clockwise. If the cards in the deck is left, it can not go as the snow, it is necessary to go as in an avalanche, and the first card will be any. The game goes so long until there is one player with the cards, then each player counts the number of cards in their avalanches and the player with the Avalanche will consist of a large number of cards will be the winner.

Examples of avalanches

4, 9, 9, A, 3 - 3 dropped an avalanche and the avalanche took the player who put the king;
9, Joker, 5-5, 5-5, 8-8, 6-6-6-6, 4-4-4-4 - avalanche avalanche stopped and belongs to no one;
6, 6, 7-7, 4-4-4, D-D-D Ace - Ace dropped an avalanche and avalanche took the player who put the ladies.