
Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in the deck: 36
Number of players: 2 - 6
The seniority of the cards: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: first get rid of all your cards.
Rules of the game. This game is similar to playing your trumps . The sender is determined by a lot. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed by the player to the left of the handler. The trump card is defined as follows. The player who withdraws must look at the suit of the last card in the removed deck this suit and will be a trump card. Next, players choose a game in which they will play: open or closed.

Open game. Cards are given to players equally. If at least one of the players has not found a trump card in the dealt cards, the player announces it and the cards are dealt again. The game follows its rules according to the rules of the game, with the difference that there is only one suit of trump cards in the basketball, and in the "trump cards" each player has his trump cards. In the event that a player can not beat off the cards of players, then he takes the last card put, and the remaining cards go to hang-back.

Closed game. Each player is dealt 5 cards, the remaining cards make a coupon and are disassembled during the game. The game follows its rules according to the rules of the game, with the difference that if a player can not beat off the cards of the players, he takes all the cards he has laid out.