
Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in the deck: 52
Number of players: 4 (pair per pair)
The seniority of the cards: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: to pair with the player 500 points or more.
Rules of the game. Players play in pairs and players of one pair sit opposite each other. The first deliverer is determined by a lot, in the next games the players take the cards in turn. The deck is carefully packed, removed and each player is dealt 13 cards each. Peaks trump suit. The game consists of two stages: announcements and draws. The first player is announced to the left of the handler, who announces the number of bribes that his pair can take. The combined bid of two players is called a contract. Then another pair makes the announcement. Then the rally begins. The first move belongs to the player to the right of the handler. The player can put any card, except for the peak card. A player can come in with a spade, only when this suit is open. The next player clockwise (the handler) must put a card of the same suit, if there is no such card, then he can put any card. Then the rest of the players go. The bribe is taken by the player who puts the higher card than the card in the suit stroke, or the trump card, provided that the trump card is one in a bribe. Thus, all cards are played. After the players have no cards, they start scoring. Each bribe costs 10 points. If a pair of players miss the bribes specified in the contract, then players will receive a penalty in the amount of the contract, for example, a contract of 60 points, then the penalty will be minus 60 points. If players have collected more bribes than indicated in the contract, they are fined one point for each extra bribe taken. These points for checking are considered in the "bag" and if more than 10 points accumulate in the "bag", then players are fined 100 points, while the points in the "bag" are reset. If players declared a minus or double miser and did not fulfill the contract, then they are fined 100 or 200 points respectively. The game wins the pair of players who will first gain 500 points or more. If both pairs of players simultaneously cross the line of 500 points on one stake, then the pair with the most points wins. Also, if one of the pairs ends with a score of -200 points or less, the game also ends in favor of those who scored more positive points or simply in the black.