2 beautiful stroke

Consider this example.


First hand

Second hand

3rd hand



T 7




After three "passes" the first move of a widow was the peak scores, the second was with the lady of diamonds.













The first course of the first arm, which has a sufficient amount of waste, tries to bribe a deliverer, putting small. The rest of the hand followed suit. The second trick in playing again. During a bribe DV107 includes a tambourine.
Next, first hand picks his bribe to the ace of spades and thinks:
- First of all, I note that the second hand is likely formed in a void tambourines. In the presence there (in addition to the Group of Seven) ace or king to put a figure on the second course, because the dealer has already been a bribe. Although the presence of the King is still not possible. So probably I have this suit two returns, but the course will lead to the demolition of the second hand. Also do not want to come to Hearts because you can get an extra trick. Therefore, to make a move to clubs? If an ace is too straight, and if with nines .... Something I did not get, but what if we go all the same with diamonds? Let the suit on his hands disintegrated equally likely that it is unlikely, then everything will be as before, because the course is for this will follow suit while putting stroke to clubs on any hand. Quite another matter if the diamonds on the one hand. Then there is a nuance. Ace of clubs, I can not carry, but a third of the clubs can carry the second hand on tambourines, then I will have to bribe smaller.
Does the course with nine of diamonds.
- The clubs have two bribes, - thinks the other hand - and if I will bear the king will remain one bribe, and worms can not be.
Raze the king of clubs. Third hand puts ace of diamonds and argues:
- Why with the first hand went into a diamond knowing that the second hand will be demolished? There was no rush, but now remained one diamond. How many can there be of clubs? Since the second hand carried by the king. If the king was blank (D8 from me), then on the first hand of 5 and no hearts. In general, everything is clear and credible progress with diamonds. However, with a fifth ace of clubs (without the King and the ladies) ace of spades and V98 in tambourines, could open the trade. Artificial raspasovka also very questionable due to V98. Chances are that there is a 4 clubs and one heart, or 3 clubs and two hearts. In the first case it is probably nine (any other need to walk), in the second, it is clear, K (D) 9 2 would otherwise be running in this suit. But why turn it into a diamond, knowing that it would be demolished? In this case, there can be only one explanation, that is, in the third ace of clubs and desire that the second hand was torn down a third of the clubs. Obviously, the first of his hand made. We assume that on the first hand is no rush, 3 clubs with an ace, one diamond and two hearts: King or Queen with a nine. On the second hand to recoup the jack of spades, two clubs, it is clear without sevens, otherwise first hand would not have decided to move to the drums, tambourines and a void in the hearts 3, apparently K (D) 87. With this assumption, it is clear why the demolition was followed by King of Clubs: the suit was stronger. It seems all figured out. But how to walk? For example, I go 2 times in the clubs, the course must fall on the second hand (there are no sevens) and followed by a response to hearts. Then I put the jack on the first hand will kill the lady and after the move to the tambourine all my other bribes. If you just go with the jack of hearts, you probably miss. I'm going 2 times in the clubs and the course will be on the second hand. The subsequent course to hearts, and I will miss the next move in a worm or a diamond (the second or the first hand) ends up not in my favor. Maybe then moves in the clubs, instead try to take away a diamond? But then something demolished with a second hand. If demolish older worms, then everything is fine, and if it will carry the clubs, then it will be forced to go with small clubs and which would not have taken (the course can get on the first hand) the next move in a worm, and then to hearts or clubs I ruining. Wherever you look, no it does not work. What to do? However there is a solution. Let the second hand will think of me. Worms, I will not touch it, and go directly to the drums. Bribes here still can not avoid.
It makes a procession with the king of diamonds. First hand puts eight of diamonds, and the second says:
- That's partners! One gave to carry tambourines, now seen as revenge, the other! They want me to leave without any bribes. But if you will bear clubs, then immediately I get into this suit and get another brood. Worms to demolish, then pick it apart and clubs can also take a peak. I will play more cunning.
Raze the Jack of spades.
- This is a move - think third hand - but now I have no problems.
Makes 2 turns on the clubs. First, with the ladies, and then eight. The course falls on the second hand.
On the table lies an eight of hearts, then jack and queen. Further clear. First, second hand and deliverer got two bribes. The third took 4 bribe.
In the beginning, first hand, find an original idea, he made a beautiful move. But the third hand, a well-read layout, not to be outdone, also flashed.
As a result, each of them received less than one bribe.

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