General rules of preference

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in pack: 32
Number of Players: 4 or 3
The seniority of cards: 7, 8, 9, 10, C, E, K, T.
Goal of the game: to write off a certain amount of points.
Rules of the game. This page describes the generally accepted rules of the game preference. The following pages will describe the most known and popular: Classic , Sochinka , Leningradka , Rostovka , Gusarik , Rogue , Piterskie jumps .

Number of players and the distribution of seats at the table. Preference is usually played by four. You can play way, which adds to the game a few changes. Duties of a player who is not performing alternately present three players. Or three players are to play "fool", ie a person who does not know how to play, but who agrees to perform mechanical functions of one of the partners. You can play alone, this game is called "Hussar preference" and is fundamentally different.
Before the game the players are distributed each partner site. Who sits where and in what place is mystical, because there are places lucky (lucky) and unhappy (unlucky). In this regard, the allocation of seats there is acting out. One partner, it shuffles the deck and deals one card to each player, followed by the players sit according to seniority of cards. First choose the place the player with the highest card, and then sit down to everyone else as seniority clockwise.

Selecting deliverer. Deliverer is defined as follows. The player who won the first place, takes the deck, shuffle it thoroughly, remove and deals each player as long as falls ace. The player who gets the ace deliverer. Next, pass all the turns in a clockwise direction.

The cards are dealt. The player who was the deliverer, carefully shuffle the deck, offers to remove the player to the right. Removal of the deck is a deck that relieves divides into two arbitrary parts and change their places, the one that was on top, he lay down, and that that was the bottom, he puts up. Next deliverer deals the cards clockwise. Before each deliverer player puts two cards face down, followed by another and another two by two, so that each player card 10 turned on, that is, three passes of 30 cards to players. Two cards that are left in the deck deliverer puts in front of him. These two cards have the talon, for the possession of which begins the dispute between the players. Deliverer is a draw the player. It is on this horse in the game does not take part. If the deliverer during the delivery is wrong, then he has the right to retake. Before the end of the players putting their cards do not touch. Retake in the following cases: if at the time of delivery was revealed card at any of the players; if any of the players got the wrong number of cards; if not done in renting queue. See community cards to their opening-smoking.

Trading for talon. If the player wishes to card who came to add two more cards (community cards) to play a bigger game, the player starts the game for verbal talon. If he wins the fight for these cards, he reveals them and shows everyone then picks itself. Then two unnecessary when closed resets back to the talon. The first player to the left starts trading on the deliverer, then continue to trade players in a clockwise direction. Each player announces his orders, the number of tricks that player is obliged to take, and at what trump. You can play no-trump. The application is considered the highest no-trump. Seniority suits of increasing the following: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts. In the course of trade the suit denoted by its serial number. For example, "Second 6" means "six of clubs". Table value of cards and colors of preference is as follows.




























Misery nonflop

9 nonflop



tambourine brood





tambourine brood



In this table, each classified in the lower line of the older ads, which is located in the higher line. Announcement of any game, and the right column ads older games from the left-hand column of the same line. Thus, in preference, the following games for bribes: gears, semernaya, eightfold, devyaternaya, desyaternaya, minuscule - not take any bribes. The game can go on understanding the game with a combination called "preference". Preference is called the following combination of cards: spades - Ace, King, Queen, clubs - ace, king, queen; Diamonds - Ace, King, Queen, Hearts - Ace, King, Queen. Set one of these combinations gives the maximum gain. Having such a combination on the hand, a player announces "preference." The game in this case stops and is considered complete. Players make payment. The player who played preference, withdraws from all whist, clears his mount, appends all the players all the things that did not have time to finish.
While trading in your hand, each player has the right to declare the game over the game announced by the previous player or the player can say "pass". If a player passes, he refuses to bargain. If the player has announced any game in bribes and received talon, then he has no right to go to the minuscule. The player can say "there", it means that the player is on the same game, which was announced in the previous time. So a player who as a result of trade did older application, it gets two rights: the right to take a buy-and the right to declare what the suit will be the trump card game.

Rules raspasy. If all players have declared "pass", therefore the sale did not take place and made raspasy - drawing, in which players must strive to take as little as possible bribes. In this case, the following rules apply:
after raspasy deliverer remains the same, but it can not deal the cards more than three times in a row;
after each draw raspasy surrender proceeds to the next player in turn;
raspasy after any player can start negotiating with the game not lower semernoy;
when three players raspasy played in two versions with the opening of a widow or a widow without opening.

Types vistovaniya.

Responsible whist - a situation where the second player who folds, whist responsible for bribes both hands and not taking the appropriate number of bribes writes up the hill. A player who has passed, do not write anything of any bullet or uphill.
Poluotvetstvenny whist - the situation when a player when to plant run down, he writes in the mountain in 2 times less than for Responsible whist.
Gentleman whist - different from the responsible whist the fact that at one whist player, and the second pasuyuschem player, whist whist and write both of passer in half, and the mountain of the plant only writes VISTA.
Zhlobskie whist - the situation when the whist at two players, each of them should take the appropriate game for at least the required number of tricks: two on the gears, one for semernoy, one for eightfold, one for devyaternoy games. Otherwise nedodat bribes record fine in the mountain.

Drawing bribes. Following the appointment of the final game and definition whist players rally begins. The first player to the first hand, the player goes further, who takes a bribe. Players move a single card. The other players in order of their turn have to put at stake their progress card of the same suit, if it's missing, you should put a trump, trump if not, can put any card. Take bribe player puts near her face down. Any player can look at this bribes as long as the closure of the next trick. If the game goes to the light, that any of the players can give advice VISTA if the game goes blindly, then tips the player in the process of drawing give-smoking. In total there are 10 tricks.

The order of entry. To record the game using a sheet of paper, which is divided into parts according to the number of players, and is called "bullet". The bullet can be lined by three or four players. The upper part is called the "mountain," here are written all the penalties. It also recorded the results in some raspasovki recording systems. The middle part is called a bullet or pellet. In this part of the records all the achievements of the player, in this case before the game is determined by a specific number, which means a certain limit, or the limit of the main phase of the game. For example, this figure is now 500, or written off from five hundred to zero, or appends to five hundred. The lower part is whist. Depending on the number of players whist line is divided into two or three parts, each of which are recorded on whist players sitting respectively on the left and right opposite this player (with four players) or left and right (for three players). Deliverer when four players writes for whist plant.

Cost sheet in the game four


The cost of games
gears - 2 points.
semernaya - 4 points.
eightfold - 6 points.
devyaternaya - 8 points.
desyaternaya - 10 points.
minuscule - 10 points.

cost raspasy
desyaternaya - 10 points.
minuscule - 10 points.
Single - 1 point.
double - 2 points.
triple - 4 points.

End of the game and calculation. The game shall be deemed terminated, if all players are closed bullets or dial the destination the total number of points or elapsed time of the scheduled game. As a result, each player has a certain amount of points in the pool and in the mountain.
First the player who has the maximum number of points in the pool. Of these bullets are deducted all the other players, then the difference is added to the entries in the mountain. Further calculation is carried out in two ways.
The first method. At the beginning it determined the player who is in the mountain is the least number of points. This number is subtracted from the mountains all the other players. Results obtained, each of the players multiplied by 10 and divided by the number of playing. The resulting number is a loss from the mountain whist player to each other and recorded them in line whist. The amount received whist in the game and the amount of whist the mountain, gives the amount of the whist player. Vista Partners at each other cancel each other, whoever has more whist writes the difference with a "+", and the one who has less with the "-" sign. The sum of the differences of each of the whist players makes it a win or loss, depending on the sign of this sum. Multiplying this number by the cost of whist, we get a win or loss in monetary terms.
The second method. The difference of this method from the first process starts after the bullet closed and mount subtracted from the smallest of all. Then add up the mountain, and the sum is divided by the number of players. Each player from the resulting average number subtracts remaining after cutting the hill. The result of the subtraction with the sign "+" or "-" is multiplied by 10. In the end, we get the result of a net gain from the mountain. After calculating all the whist players to the sum of the player whist with the "+" or "-" is added vistovaya recording mountains.

Table conditional agreements in the game. Over the years, the game has developed in the Preference set of contractual rules that are used in each species preference. For example: the interrupted minuscule; raspasovki progression arithmetic or geometry; a way out of raspasovki etc. Therefore, below is a table almost a complete list of items to which the players come to a consensus.

law of contract

Condition 1

Condition 2

Condition 3 Condition 4 Condition 5

Misery interrupted

Miser - 9. Further trade does not go

M-9 - Miser nonflop-9 nonflop






(X 1, X 1, X 1, X 1, ...)

ogre. the arithmetic.

(X 1, X 2, X 3, X 3 ...)

ogre. Geom.

(X 1, X 2, X 4, X 4, ...)

Unlim. the arithmetic

(X 1, X 2, X 3, X 4, ...)

Unlim. Geom.

(X 1, X 2, X 4, X 8, ...)


Writing for a bribe in the mountain

1 point


2 points






Buy on raspasovki

does not open




(6,6,6,6 ...)


(6,7,7,7 ...)


(6,7,8,8 ...)



Out plant

not allowed




Raspasovki transition date


repetition 3 times

Whist whist Type



Vist responsible / poluotvetstvenny

half the cost of the game

the total price of the game

Vist 6 peak - Stalingrad

not allowed


Vist Paz-Polvista

not allowed


Vist no three no whist

not allowed


Vist Desyaternaya game



Vist Responsibility for 8 and 9



Trade -pryzhki

not allowed


First move razygrvayuschego


in the light

Severability mountains

not divided

divided by 2

It is divided into three