Rummy Indian (Indian Rummy, Paplu)

Number of decks: 1 - 3
Number of cards in the deck: 52 and one Joker
Number of players: 2 - 10
The seniority of the cards: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: to collect the first two direct sequences from the cards.
Rules of the game. The rules of this game were provided by Vasant Mali. This is one of the varieties of the game Rummy , also known as Paplu, is very popular in India in general and in Maharashtra in particular. This game is played by all segments of the population, whether passengers in crowded trains in Mumbai, housewives, retired people, it is played in clubs and friends among themselves. People's obsession with people is so great that passengers can easily spend an hour or two on the road. Housewives play mostly in the afternoon during gossip or play on weekends. Rummy Indian is a soft form of gambling, but in practice, excitement is absolutely harmless. If they play for money, they play on the amounts, which are absolutely not a pity to lose.

As many as ten people can play this game. When playing from 2 to 6 players inclusive, 2 deck of cards are used, for more players 3 decks are required, respectively, in each deck there must be one joker. Before the game, players determine the places where they will sit in the game. Each player shuffles the deck and each player draws one card, then the players according to the seniority of the drawn card select seats at the table, first the player with the highest card, then the younger card, etc. The player who draws out the lowest card becomes the deliverer. The sender carefully shuffles several decks assembled into one, then the player sitting to the left of the handler takes any card from the mixed deck and puts it on the table face up, this card becomes a joker and all cards of the same value also become jokers, except for jokers are cards, Where the joker is printed. Next, the player to the left of the handler should move or cut the deck (divides the deck into two pieces, shifting the top part relatively lower in any place, after which these halves of the deck change places). Then, starting with the player to the right, the sender gives each player 13 cards, one card is placed in the center of the table to start the discard deck, and the remaining cards (reserve) are put on the joker, which lies on the table in clear form, on one of its halves Across it so that the other half is visible, as shown in the figure below.

Indian Rummy

Then the process of the game begins. The goal of each player is to form their 13 cards in sequence (series) or triple.

Sequence - consists of three or more consecutive cards of the same suit, an example of a full sequence of 13 cards 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-V-D-K-T, an ace can be in Sequence T-2-3 or D-K-T, but this should not be in the sequence with the king or the K-T-2 double.

Three - consists of three cards of the same value of different suits, for example, 5- 5- 5, but the troika 7- 7- 7 is incorrect, as two of three sevens of the same suit.

Combinations can not be overlapped, that is, two of them can be one, for example, 7- 8- 9- 9- 9 is an incorrect combination.

When using 3 decks in the game, it is allowed to collect a third kind of combinations, called tanala.

Tanala - consists of three identical cards, for example, 10- 10- 10.

To declare Rummy and subsequently win, the player needs to collect sequences and triples in his 13 cards. Usually the winning combination consists of four combinations, for example, one of four cards and three of three cards, but it is also possible to win with three combinations of 5, 4 and 4 or 5, 5 and 3 cards. One of the important conditions for compiling Rummy is the compilation of two "clean" combinations, that is, without using jokers.

Now directly about the game itself. The first move in the game belongs to the player to the right of the handler and the game goes clockwise. Each player's turn consists of raising the top card of the reset or the top card of the reserve, taking it into their own hands and then laying one unnecessary card face up on the reset pile. If the player takes the top card from the reset, then this card is not allowed to be discarded in the same turn, the player must discard another card. The game continues until, after raising one card, the player does not have 13 cards that form a straight sequence from deuce to ace inclusive, and the player receiving the 14th card gets this straight sequence, discards the unnecessary card and declares "Rummy" by placing These 13 cards face up in front of you, so that all players show that Rummy is formed from several combinations. It is worth noting that the collected intermediate sequences and triples are not shown. After Rummy's announcement, maybe one or more players will refuse to play, so they exit the game and each pay 10 points or an equivalent amount to the winner, players who leave later pay 40 points or an equivalent amount. Cards released from the game players are put aside and do not participate in the game. And the 13 cards that made up Rummy are mixed and placed in the lower part of the reserve face down, after which the game continues and the winner takes 13 cards from the top of the reserve. Then the game continues until the player who compiled Rummy is the second Rummy, then the game ends or until either player collects 2 Rummy or until all the players except one are out of the game and one player who stays in the game , Will be the winner. After determining the winner, players count the points for the cards, which they have left:

T, K, D, B, 10 - 10 points for each card;

9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 - points are calculated according to the value of the card;

The Joker does not have glasses.

The winner counts the points in the typed sequences and gets points for the players who exit the game. If the game is played for money, then the players distribute them accordingly to the points scored. Players who are logged out of the game will not receive any money.

Note. The rules of this game are translated from English and my goal was to convey the essence of the game, although in my opinion in this game there should be a lot of all sorts of nuances.