
Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in pack: 52
Number of players: 2
Precedence card 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T
Goal of the game: first dial 200 points or more.
Rules of the game. Rules of the game gave David Shulman. The first deliverer of the game is determined by lot or getting the player chooses, in these games, players are dealt cards queue. The deck is shuffled thoroughly deliverer, and each player is dealt 9 cards 19th card is placed in the middle of the table in an open manner and represents the trump suit, and the remaining deck is placed face down on top of one of the halves of any card. Trump Suit 19th card is set only at the first stage of the game, which is played in several rounds.

The first stage of the game. The goal of each round is:

5 take five tricks;

to take the card, for which points are added;

did not give the opponent to execute the above steps.

The first move in the first round opponent belongs deliverer. He can go to any of your card and the other player in the response must put a card of the same suit, such a suit if the card is not present, it can put your any card. High card wins the round and the cards (bribe) takes the owner of the highest card. Won the player puts the card in front of him in a closed form. The winner of the round goes first in the next round. The first round ends when each player will be 4 cards in his hand. After that, the deliverer, and it becomes the other player takes the remaining deck of cards and the card that was lying under the deck, mix them up and distributes 5 cards to each player, with the result that each player is formed by 9 cards. 11th card is placed in the middle of the table in the open form is a trump suit for the second stage, the remaining cards are placed face down on top of the top or bottom of the card, so that the color of the card is visible.

The second, third and fourth stages of the game. The first move in the second stage belongs to an opponent's deliverer. The drawing and the drawing rules, such as in the first stage. When the second stage will be played, then play the third and fourth stage of the first phase by the rules and as a result stay and play the fifth stage.

The fifth stage of the game. After the cards are dealt in the fifth stage of the two remaining cards are placed in the clear, where one of the cards represents the trump suit for 4 rounds of this phase and the second out of the card indicates the trump suit at the fifth round of this stage.

Thus, players play 25 rounds, which play 25 bribes.

Scoring. Behind taken bribes and cards are awarded the following points. Points are counted only after five games played stages. For 5 taken bribes in one stage of the game are awarded 10 points, while the round points for the combined cards are not charged. If the player did not take 5 tricks in a single stage, for the draw at this stage are awarded the following points: For the capture of ace given 4 points for the King 3 points for the lady 2 points for jack 1 point for 2 given by 10 points. The player who first scores 200 points or more in a few games played is the winner. If the players are gaining equal number of winning points, they play an extra game, the winner of which is the winner of the game.