Follow the Leader

Number of decks: 1 2 Number of cards in pack: 52 (jokers optional)
Number of Players: 2 - 5
Precedence cards: T, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, C, E, K.
Goal of the game: to get rid of all your cards, do not be the last player with cards in her arms.
Rules of the game. Simple English card game that can be played in campaign or family. You can play with one or two decks, which are mixed into one. Deliverer is determined by lot. The deck is thoroughly shuffled and cards are dealt:
for 2 players - 10 cards each;
for 3 players - 8 cards each;
for 4 players - 7 cards each;
for the 5-players - 6 cards each.
The remaining deck is placed on the center of the table face down. The first move in the game the player belongs to the left of the deliverer. The first player can go on your discard any card from your hand, that is, put the card in the open as the center of the table. Each next player clockwise has to perform one of three actions:
1. Put the card of the same value as that of the upper fold;
2. Put the card that on one value above the upper relief maps. If the upper fold is king, then the king put an ace, deuce, and so forth
3. If a player can not make the first or second act, he must take one card from the top of the remaining deck and skip the course, after which the turn passes to the next player clockwise.
When you reset the cards are placed on top of each other, forming a deck of cards face where the top up card, will always be the last card thrown.
If you missed the turn, each player in a clockwise direction and turn back to the player who missed the course of this series of moves first, then the player may discard any of your card. When the remaining deck is over, the players remove the top card of relief and leave it in the middle of the table in plain text, and all other cards are placed in a closed discharge deck nearby and starting to be used by players who do not have cards to reset. The player who was the last to remain with cards in hand, becomes a loser.
Note. Game supplemented by various regulations making it a variety. For example, you can allow to fold one value is less than the upper fold. Maybe play a game with wild cards, which are considered "wild" cards do not have values, and if the player put a joker, which can be put on any card, the next player in a clockwise direction can put on top of the wild card, the card of the same value as that of a joker or card on one value or two values older than a joker card. The reason is that the joker can be taken as the value of the card under it and maps it to one more than the card beneath it.