Ulti (Ulti)

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in a deck: 32
Number of players: 3
Seniority of the cards: in non-consecutive suits: 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T; In the trump suit: 7, 8, 9, B, D, K, 10, T.
Purpose of the game: first to score a certain number of points.
Rules of the game. A popular intellectual card game in Hungary, beyond its borders, is not widely known. There are electronic versions of this game. Ultimate is a game for three players. A deck of 32 cards is used. The deck of cards is German, where the suits are designated as follows: hearts are hearts, bells are tambourines, acorns are clubs, leaves are peaks. You can play and the usual French deck, which we play in Russia. The first deliverer in the game is determined randomly, each player takes one card from the deck and the one who took the lowest card becomes the first deliverer. In the following games, players take the cards in turn. The order of players is counter-clockwise. The deck is carefully worn by the handler and each player is dealt 10 cards each, and the dealer hands over 12 cards. The game consists of three stages: trading, drawing and scoring. First, trade begins.

Trade. Beginning with the handler who puts two of his cards in the closed position in the center of the table, this is a buy-in, and announces the game he offers (contract). Each next player either says "pass" and misses a move in the trade or trades, while taking two cards of the redemption, puts in their place any two and declares his game. The player who offers the oldest contract becomes a point guard (soloist) and plays this contract against the other two players. The soloist calls a trump suit, and can say that the game will be without a trump card, then the rally takes place without a trump suit. If the game "hearts" is declared, then trump cards become hearts. It is worth noting that when playing with a trump or without a trump suit, the precedence of cards is different. Players announce the following types of contracts, which are listed in the table from junior to senior.

Contract name Glasses Hearts
Simple game 1 2
Simple game Ulti 1 + 5 = 5 2 + 8 = 10
40-100 4 8
40-100 Ulti 4 + 4 = 8 8 + 8 = 16
20-100 8 16
20-100 Ulti 8 + 4 = 12 16 + 8 = 24
Durchmars 6th 12
Durchmars Ulti 6 + 4 = 10 12 + 8 = 20
40-100 Durchmars 4 + 6 = 10 8 + 12 = 20
40-100 Durchmars Ulti 4 + 6 + 4 = 14 8 + 12 + 8 = 28
20-100 Durchmars 8 + 6 = 14 16 + 12 = 28
20-100 Durchmars Ulti 8 + 6 + 4 = 18 16 + 12 + 8 = 36
Open Durchmars 24 -
Open Durchmars Ulti 24 + 4 = 28 -
40-100 Open Durchmars 4 + 24 = 28 -
40-100 Open Durchmars Ulti 4 + 24 + 4 = 32 -
20-100 Open Durchmars 8 + 24 -
20-100 Open Durchmars Ulti 8 + 24 + 4 = 36 -
Betli 5 10
Open Betli 20 -

Contracts can be single, but can be combined, in this case, the points of contracts are combined.

A simple game - in this game the soloist undertakes to take more points than his opponents. A simple game is always played with a trump suit. For each taken bribe, the player is awarded one point. A simple game can be combined with Ulti.

Ulti - in this game the soloist should win the last trick by the trump card.

40-100 - in this game the soloist in his arms should have a trump king and a lady, besides that he must score 100 points, where 40 of them are for the king and the lady.

20-100 - in this game the same rules apply as for 20-100, only the soloist on his hands should have a king and a lady of a non-consecutive suit.

Betli - a soloist should not take a single bribe. As soon as he takes a bribe, the game ends. The game can be opened (Open), in this case the players play with open cards.

Durchmars - the soloist should take all the bribes. The game can be opened (Open), in this case the players play with open cards.

Undeclared 100 (40-100, 20-100) - if no 40-100, 20-100 or Durchmars were made in the game, and one of the teams scored 100 points, then the points for a simple game are determined as plus 2. All the counters are valid In a simple game.

Undeclared Durchmars - if no 40-100, 20-100 or Durchmars ads were made in the game, and one of the teams took all the bribes, then the points for a simple game are determined as a plus. All the counters continue to operate in a simple game.

Undeclared Ulti - if in a game with trump cards without Ulti, the trump card is played in the last trick, then it is estimated at 2 points, or as a winning Ulti win (the player who played the trump card 7 takes the last trick), or as an unannounced Ulti loss (the other player Takes the last bribe).

Drawing. The soloist has the right of the first move in the draw of cards. He walks with any of his cards and every next player counter-clockwise should put a card of the same suit, if there is no such card, then he should put a trump card (in trump game), if there is no trump card (in a trump game), then he must put any Card. In a non-cash game in the absence of a card of such suit, the player must put any card. A player who places the highest card in the suit of the first turn card or places the oldest trump card, takes the laid cards out (bribe) to himself and starts with his first move the rally of the next trick. Thus, players play all the cards. During the game, two players who make up the team have the opportunity to say "contra", which means doubling the cost of the game. Contra is announced before the player played his card in the first trick. Contra spreads to the whole team of opponents. After the counter has been announced, the soloist can declare "re-contra", when the right move goes to him, it doubles the cost of the game twice more. In double contracts, for example, 40-100 Ulti, a counter can be declared for each of the elements of a double contract.

Who of the players (teams) will score the most points in bribes, wins the game. Since ads in the game can consist of several parts and each part can be won or lost independently of others, the winner of a simple game is not considered as the winner of the entire game.

Scoring. Aces and scores are estimated at 10 points, the remaining cards have no value. The last bribe in the game brings an additional 10 points, which means that the game can not be a draw. When the game ends, then each individual part of the ad is rechecked, in order to determine whether the soloist won or lost. Each part is multiplied by the counter, and then summed. The final amount is obtained depending on the result, or the opponent's soloist, or vice versa.

Examples of the game.

Announcement of Ulti. The soloist gets 70 points, and his opponents have only 40 points, and the trump card 7 takes the last bribe. Simple game +1 points, Ulti +4 points. Total +5 points, the soloist gets 5 points from each opponent.

Ad "pass". The soloist scores 100 points, and his opponents play the trump card in the last trick, but do not take it. Undeclared 100-ka +2, undeclared Ulti +2. Total of +4.

Announcement 40-100, Ulti, counter at 40-100. The soloist collects 90 points and takes the last trick with the trump card. 40-100 -8 points, Ulti +4 points. Total -4 points (the soloist must pay each opponent 4 points).