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V children

I called it so because of its simplicity of execution. The process of changing parts of the deck is not in sight, but somewhere so that it could not be seen, for example, a table or behind your back, or on the mind, but only a diversion. Consider the performance of this technique at the table.
Take a deck of cards and shuffle it thoroughly shuffled deck must be in the left hand. Give the player to the left podsnyat it. During removal of the deck is given, as shown in the photo, below. The upper part is shifted back, and the lower thrust forward.

Children volts

The spectator or a player moves the top part of the pack in the opposite direction away from you, and you take out the bottom and put it on top of the top, but so that one part of the deck was a few millimeters shifted relative to one another parallel to the long edge of the cards. See photo.

Children volts

This shift must be from the left side of the deck. Shift should not be visible to anyone either from above or from the side, the shift should be hidden in the palm of the left hand. Then lower the left arm for a moment under the table and adjust the right hand part of the deck between them, returning them to their original position they occupied before removing deck. If this is done in full view, make a distraction to viewers do not look at your hands, for example, refer to any viewer with any issue, and also the right hand part of the change logs together.
You can see that no special skill is not necessary to have a need to hide the hand under the table, or a distraction.

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