Easy prey carder [1], or Access database system Q-Shop

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LwB Security Team
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-written durito
-e-mail: [email protected]
-http: //www.lwbteam.org
-date: 21/01/2004
-Comments: Information is provided only
for review and considered,
as a guide for administrators,
This article is not
guide to action.
We are not responsible for
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- = Easy prey carder [1], or Access database system Q-Shop = -

In this article I will describe the use of the vulnerability in the system Q-Shop
for example, the access to the database qshop.chexsite.com

A feature of this e-commerce system is that when
availability stupid admin store database is accessible to anyone
remote user. Using the following
URL that the villain can gain access to the database:
http: // [target] /db/store.mdb

Now for those who do not understand.
link will go on:

Downloading base, it zaparoleny respectively.
Therefore, we need the files of Cain with http://www.oxid.it/
It has very good access decoder, who will show us the password to the database.
In this case, the password: qs1898

Putting it and you are in the database, only one problem in this database does not offer ss.
But there are other Q-Shop.

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