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The nasal cavity

The cavity of the nose , cavitas nasi, is located in the middle of the upper part of the facial skull . The cavity consists of the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses, which lie upward, outward and posteriorly. Of these subordinate cavities in front and at the top are frontal sinuses, sinus frontales, from the outside - lattice cells, cellulae ethmoidales, or latticed labyrinths, labyrinthi ethmoidales, somewhat lower maxillary sinuses, sinus maxillares, and behind and above - sphenoid sinuses, sinus sphenoidales.

The nasal cavity is divided by the bony septum of the nose into the right and left halves, in each of which the paranasal sinuses and cells of the latticed labyrinth are opened. The nasal cavity is located in the sagittal plane and opens in front of the pear-shaped aperture, behind the hoans.
The nasal cavity

Pear-shaped aperture, apertura piriformis, is limited from above by the free edges of the nasal bones, with side-nasal incisions, incisurae nasales, upper jaws, and from below is closed by the anterior nasal spine, spina nasalis anterior.

The Choans, choanae, are almost oval shaped openings, separated by the rear edge of the opener . Their sides are formed from below by the posterior margin of the horizontal plates of the palatine bones , from the sides by the medial plates of the pterygoid processes of the sphenoid bone , from above by the body of this bone, the vomer's wings and the vaginal processes of the pterygoid processes.

The bony septum nasi, septum nasi, is located in the nasal cavity and is usually curved to the right or left side. It consists of a perpendicular plate of the trellis bone from above and a vomer from below and from behind; The vomer with its lower edge joins with the nasal crest of the upper jaws and palatine bones.

The lower wall of the nasal cavity forms the bone skies, palatum osseum.

The upper wall , or roof, is the inner surface of the nasal bones, the fore parts of the frontal bones and the lattice plate of the latticed bone, through which the nasal cavity communicates with the anterior cranial fossa, fossa cranii anterior. The posterior part of the upper wall forms the anterior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone.

The nasal cavity
The lateral wall is formed by the surfaces of the frontal process and the body of the upper jaw, tear-noned by the bone, the labyrinth of the latticed bone with its hook-shaped process, perpendicular plate of the palatine bone and the medial plate of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone facing the nasal cavity. From the outer wall towards the septum of the nose there are three nasal shells: the superior nasal concha, concha nasalis superior, the middle nasal concha, concha nasalis media, and the inferior inferior concha nasalis inferior. Under the shells, between them and the outer wall of the nasal cavity, three longitudinal nasal passages are formed: under the upper shell - the upper nasal passage, under the middle - the middle nasal passage and under the lower shell - the lower nasal passage.

The upper nasal passage , meatus nasi superior, is shorter and already the other two and lies only in the posterior sections of the nasal cavity. It is located somewhat obliquely posteriorly and downward and reaches its posterior end to a wedge-palatal opening, foramen sphenopalatinum. In the anterior part of the upper nasal passage, the posterior trellis cells are opened. Above the upper nasal cavity there is a wedge-latticed recessus, recessus spheno-ethmoidalis, in the region of which the sphenoid sinus opens, sinus sphenoidale.

The middle nasal passage , meatus nasi medius, is generally parallel to the upper course, but is considerably longer and wider than it. In the middle nasal passage through the maxillary cleft, hiatus maxillaris, the maxillary sinus, sinus maxillaris, is revealed. The cleft of the maxillary sinus on the whole skull is significantly narrowed by adjacent adjacent bones, namely: posteriorly - perpendicular plate of palatine bone, from below - maxillary process of inferior nasal shell, latticed process of the same shell and hook-shaped process of latticed bone.

A hook-shaped process passing from top to bottom and back, processus uncinatus. Divides the cleft of the maxillary sinus into two sections - the anterior and posterior regions. The latter is located between the trellised vesicle, bulla ethmoidalis, and the hook-shaped process and on the skull serves as an entrance to the maxillary sinus - a semilunar cleft, hiatus semilunaris. The upper, wider, part of this crevice is called a lattice funnel, infundibulum ethmoidale. This cleft connects the middle nasal passage with the holes of the anterior latticed cells, and at the top through the aperture of the frontal sinus, apertura sinus frontalis, with the frontal sinus, sinus frontalis.

Lower nasal passage , meatus nasi inferior. Near the front end is the lower opening of the nasolacrimal canalis, canalis nasolacrimalis. The upper wall of the lower nasal passage is the inferior nasal shell, and the lower wall is formed by the palatine process of the upper jaw and the horizontal plate of the palatine bone. The space behind the shells is a very short nasopharyngeal passage, meatus nasopharyngeus, which opens with the hoan into the pharynx , pharynx.

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