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Paraganglia , paraganglia, are the free remnants of the chromaffin (adrenal) system; Represent the formations genetically connected with sympathetic knots, therefore also are called paraganglia.

Cellular elements that make up these formations have a certain affinity for chromium salts. After staining with these salts, they acquire a yellow or dark brown color, similar to the color of adrenal medulla that produces the hormone adrenaline at the same color.

In man during various periods of its intrauterine and extrauterine development, as well as in the adult state, the chromaffin tissue is scattered in various parts of the body, but is always associated with the autonomic nervous system.

Some of the formations of the chromaffin system have a greater number of chromaffin cells, others less.

Among the paraganglia there are the largest and the permanent: the somnolent glomus and the para-aortic bodies.

The function of paraganglia resembles the function of the adrenal medulla.

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