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The metacarpal bone

Femoral bones , ossa metacarpalia (IV), are represented by five small long bones. The count of bones is from the outer, ray, edge of the brush to the inner, elbow, edge. The metacarpal bone

In each metacarpal bone, the body and epiphyses are distinguished - proximal and distal.

The body of the bone of bone, corpus metacarpals, has three surfaces: posterior (or posterior), lateral (lateral, or radial) and medial. The lateral and medial surfaces are separated by a small scallop; Here is a nutritional hole, foramen nutricium, which passes into the nutrient channel, canalis nutricius, directed in II-V metacarpal bones proximally, and in I metacarpal bone - distally.

The body of each metacarpal bone is concave to the back. The superior, proximal, end, or base of the metacarpalis, metacarpalis, is thickened. The lateral surfaces of the bases carry articular sites, through which two adjacent bones are articulated. The surface of the base, facing the bones of the wrist, has an articular surface for articulation with the bones of the second row of the wrist. Articular surfaces of I and V metacarpal bony bones.

The base of the third metacarpal bone in the posterolateral region has a styloid process, processus styloideus.
Lower, distal, end, or head of metacarpalis caput metacarpalis, spherical. The lateral surfaces of the head are rough.

The body and head of metacarpal bones are well probed through the skin from the back of the hand.
The gaps between the metacarpals are called interosseous spaces of the metacarpi.

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