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Levator scapulae muscle

Levator scapulae muscle, m. levator scapulae, - the muscle of the second layer, an elongated, thickened, located in the back side of the neck under the departments m. trapezius. Starting four individual teeth from the rear tubercles of the transverse processes of the upper four cervical vertebrae and is directed downward and somewhat laterally; It is attached to the upper division of the medial edge of the scapula and its upper right corner.

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Function: raises the shovel over the top corner, telling her thus rotational movement, while the lower angle is shifted toward the spinal column; In strengthening the blade tips of the neck spinal column backward and to his side.

Innervation: n. dorsalis scapulae (CIII-CV).

Blood supply: aa. transversa colli, cervicalis superficialis, cervicalis ascendens.

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