Scientists have found the best melody to relieve stress (VIDEO)

Лучшая мелодия для снятия стресса

Stress - a set of nonspecific adaptive (normal) reactions of the body to the effects of various unfavorable factors-stressors (physical or psychological), disturbing its homeostasis, as well as the corresponding state of the nervous system of the body (or Organism as a whole). In medicine, physiology, psychology, there are positive (eustress) and negative (distress) forms of stress. By the nature of the exposure, neuro-psychic, thermal or cold (temperature), light, hunger and other stresses (radiation, etc.) are isolated. Whatever the stress, "good" or "bad", emotional or physical (or both), its effect on the body has common nonspecific features.

You probably did not even know that music can be a good way to overcome stress. A group of neuroscientists from Mindlab International conducted a study and discovered a unique melody that can overcome stress as much as 65%. Just relax and just listen to beautiful music.

Marconi Union - Weightless (Official Video)

So, the participants of the experiment listened to different compositions, and the scientists studied the level of their anxiety. So, after listening to the song "Weightless" Marconi Union, the level dropped by 65%!

For information, this melody was created with sound therapists to achieve complete harmony of rhythm and bass lines.

As neuroscientists convince, this sound levels the pulse, lowers blood pressure and the level of cortisol (a stress hormone) that positively affects your well-being.

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