Change the water intake time ... this is very important. Information from the cardiologist!

Питьевая вода в определенное время

Drinking water is water that is designed for daily unlimited and safe consumption by humans and other living beings. The main difference from canteens and mineral waters is the low content of salts (dry residue), as well as the existence of existing standards for the overall composition and properties (SanPiN - for centralized water supply systems and SanPiN - for waters pre-packaged In the capacity).

The water of many sources of fresh water is unsuitable for human consumption, as it can serve as a source of disease spread or cause long-term health problems if it does not meet certain water quality standards. Water that does not harm human health and meets the requirements of the current quality standards is called drinking water. In case of need, that the water corresponds to the sanitary-epidemiological norms, it is cleaned or, officially, "prepared" with the help of water treatment plants.

Drinking regime is the most rational order of water consumption during the day, determining its volume and periodicity, as well as the chemical composition and physical properties of the liquids being drunk, taking into account the type of human activity, climatic conditions of the environment and the state of the organism. The correct drinking regime ensures normal water-salt metabolism, creates favorable conditions for the life of the organism.

Sometimes random information can save lives, so it's always better to learn something new than to miss, because it's about health that needs to be protected. In this article, we will talk about how the effect of drenching water on the general condition of the body, including what will happen if you take a glass or two water at a certain time. Read and you will be surprised, because this information is not known to many people.

Why do people often have profuse urination at night? Answer from a cardiologist - gravity keeps water in the lower part of your body when you are in an upright position, usually in the daytime your legs swell. When you lie down and the lower part of the body (legs, etc.) is at the level with the kidneys, this is what causes the kidneys to remove water, because it is easier. This is due to the subsequent approval!

I knew earlier that we need a minimum of water to help the body wash out toxins from our body. But what I heard was news to me.

Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness in the body!

N 2 glasses of water after awakening - promotes the activation of internal organs;

N 1 glass of water 30 minutes before meals - helps digestion ;

N 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure;

N 1 glass of water before you go to bed - helps to avoid a stroke or heart attack.

N Water during sleep can prevent night cramps in the legs. Muscles of the legs look for hydration when they are cramped and awaken us.

The cardiologist said that if every person tells about this to 10 more people, probably no life can be saved!
