Engistol n (Homeopathic remedies Heel)

Engystol® N
Engistol H
Solution for Injection · Tablets

Ingredients : Solution for injection: 100 ml contain: Vincetoxicum D6, Vincetoxicum D10, Vincetoxicum D30 to 0.6 ml; Sulfur D4, Sulfur D10 to 0.3 ml. Tablets : 1 tablet contains: Vincetoxicum hirundinaria D6, Vincetoxi-cum hirundinaria D10, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria D30 75 mg; Sulfur D4, Sulfur D10 at 37.5 mg, but similar to magnesium stearate. The joint potentiation of the pair of the last stages according to HAB 1, Item 40c.

Indication: For the activation of nonspecific defense mechanisms, especially for influenza and unidentified viral fevers with fever.

Dosage: Solution for injection: In acute cases, daily 1 ampoule, in other cases 1 ampoule 1-3 times a week intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intradermally. In viral diseases - 1 ampoule per day intravenously up to the full recovery (for children - intramuscularly or subcutaneously). When influenza is injected with a mishmash (1 ampoule Engystol N in combination with 2 ampoules of Gripp-Heel and Traumeel S intramuscularly). Tablets : usually 1-3 times a day for 1 tablet.

Form release and packing: Solution for injection : the package contains 5, 10, 50 or 100 ampoules of 1.1 ml. Tablets : packs of 50 and 250 tablets.

Brief description of the indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Vincetoxicum Viral infections . In addition: reduction of cellular immunity with sympathicotonic vessel responses. Sulfur Various, especially chronic skin diseases, itchy eczema and pustular diseases skin (especially dirty skin with itching and unwanted body odor). Inflammatory bowels of the gastrointestinal tract. Hepatic function disorders. Neurotic disorders. Weakness. Violations of behavior and perception. In addition: constitutional, "reactionary and perestroika" means, stimulating immunity.

Based on the homeopathic components that make up this preparation, Engystol N is assigned for the activation of non-specific immunity, especially for influenza and unclear febrile infections, after exposure to X-rays, in viral diseases (viral influenza, pneumonia, viral hepatitis), after vaccination against smallpox Aphthous stomatitis.

It is indicated for various skin diseases (neurodermatitis, urticaria, itching, eczema, furunculosis, etc.), with respiratory diseases (bronchitis, bronchiectasis, whooping cough, pneumonia and asthma), cardiovascular diseases (paroxysmal tachycardia, endocarditis) , With migraines, neuralgia, causalgia, allergies of any kind and localization (including hay fever), with various rheumatic diseases (including gout), with kidney, liver and central nervous system diseases. It is used in the phases of impregnation and degeneration (along with the acids of the citric acid cycle).

Engystol N reduces toxic overloads, the consequences of allopathic therapy (impregnation and degeneration phases), especially in viral diseases characterized by the introduction of a virus (homotoxin) into the cell. In this case, the drug does not have a direct virostatic effect. The effect of Engystol N is based on the action of vincetoxin and asklepic acid (Vincetoxicum officinale components) on the vessels and sympathetic nerve, but it is similar to the action of colloidal sulfur, which deblocked the disturbed enzyme functions (sulphide enzymes) and activates an impressive protective system and detoxification mechanisms.

Thus, Engystol N, as well as Lymphomyosot, exerts a drainage counteraction to the mesenchyme and lymphatic system. It is on this act that the following indications are based: allergies, secondary diseases, consequences of other diseases (eg, agranulocytosis, neuritis, kidney, liver, bone marrow, heart muscle, nephritis, etc.)

In severe febrile reactive phases, for example, sepsis, after taking Engystol N, deterioration may occur for 3-5 hours followed by a compensation phase.

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