Testis compositum ampullen (Homeopathic remedies Heel)

Testis compositum Ampullen Testis compositum Ampullen

Composition : 100 ml contains: Testis suis D4, Embryo suis D8, Glandula suprarenalis suis D13, Kalium picrinicum D6, Ginseng D4, Damiana suis D8, Caladium seguinum D6, Cor suis D8, Cortisone acetate D13, Agnus castus D6, Selenium D10, Strychninum Phosphoricum D6, Cantharis D8, Curare D8, Conium D28, Lycopodium D28, Phosphorus D8, Diencephalon suis D10, Magnesium phosphoricum D10, Ferrum phosphoricum D10, Manganum phosphoricum D8, Zincum metallicum D10 1 ml; Vitamin C D6 5 ml.

Indications: Stimulation of organs functions, incl. With impotence of reproductive age, accelerated ejaculation, exhaustion, osteomalacia, bedwetting, progressive muscular dystrophy, depletion states, diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders; Liver damage; Promotes regressive vicariation.

Dosage: Usually 1-3 times a week 1 ampoule subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intradermally, if necessary intravenously.

Form of release and packing: The package contains 5, 10, 50 or 100 ampoules of 2.2 ml.

Brief description of indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Testis suis Promotes recovery; With impotence, states of exhaustion and premature aging. Embryo suis For the treatment of cellular phases; With arteriosclerosis, muscular dystrophy. Glandula suprarenalis suis Conditions of exhaustion; Adrenal insufficiency. Kalium picrinicum The states of exhaustion seem to be a consequence of overexertion. Ginseng States of weakness. Damiana Sexual lack of strength. Caladium seguinum Irritations of the sex organs. Cor suis Disturbances of coronary blood supply; heart failure. Cortisonacetat Lesions of the adrenal glands, anterior pituitary and connective tissue (osteoporosis, osteomalacia, osteochondrosis). Agnus castus Sexual disorders in men; Nervous impulse, depression. Selenium States of weakness. Cantharis Acute inflammation of the urogenital organs. Curare Paralyzes , cramps. Conium Calcification of cerebral vessels (cerebral sclerosis); Depression. Lycopodium Inflammations of the urino-genital organs, age-related diseases; Mental disorders and depression. Phosphorus Inflammation of the urogenital organs; State of exhaustion and delayed recovery; Pain in the spine; Decrease in calcium content in bones (osteoporosis, osteomalacia). Diencephalon suis Regulation of autonomic functions. Magnesium phosphoricum Nervous pain; Painful cramps of the digestive tract. Ferrum phosphoricum Rheumatic diseases of the spine .. Manganum phosphoricum Conditions of weakness in combination with anemia. Zuncum metallicum Cramps and nerve pain; Diseases of the spine, brain and spinal cord; State of exhaustion and depression; insomnia. Vitamin C Affects the function of enzymes (redox systems).

Proceeding from the homeopathic components included in this preparation, Testis compositum is assigned to activate the functions of the organs in men with dystrophy (Dystrophia adiposogenitalis), with ejaculatory impairment, impotence, bedwetting, with progressive muscular dystrophy, exhaustion states, Induratio penis plastica, with Osteomalacia (in men), diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders, only similar for concomitant therapy in liver diseases. The drug is similar in geriatrics; It contributes to the processes of regressive vicariation.

The main counteraction this drug has on the male sex glands; In combination with the stimulating effect of biological components on the functions of various organs and glands, the drug enhances sexual functions, activates the connective tissue (for example, the reverse effect of cortisone), stimulates physical and mental functions), promotes recovery (impotence and decreased sexual functions. Microelements creates a complex action of the drug shown in various organic diseases and functional disorders, with additionally prescribed preparations Coenzyme compositum, Ubichinon compositum, Glyoxal compositum (for activation of blocked enzyme systems), Hepar compositum (for activation of detoxification functions of the liver), Cor compositum, Placenta Compositum (cardiovascular activity), Solidago compositum S (renal function), Cerebrum compositum (stimulation of brain and nerve functions), Procainum compositum (effect on neural foci and as if a geriatric drug), all these drugs contribute to the elimination of homotoxins and elimination of causes Disease.

Testis compositum is shown not only for diseases such as prostate adenoma, hypertension, peripheral blood supply disorders, impaired liver function, but also in degenerative phase diseases (as an additional agent), but similarly with pronounced new education together with Thyreoidea compositum, and therapy is necessary To start as soon as possible.

The effect of this drug can be enhanced by alternate oral therapy of various drugs directed at certain organs and glands (Hepeel, Populus compositum S, Psorinoheel, Aurumheel N, Lymphomyosot, Vertigoheel, etc.).

In osteochondrosis, neuralgia, Discus compositum, Traumeel S, Zeel are additionally assigned, only with hypertension - Rauwolfia compositum.

In cases when the stimulating effect of this drug is not enough, at what time it is necessary to activate not only the detoxification systems, but also the adrenal and connective tissue functions, the preparation Tonsilla compositum is prescribed.

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