Viskum compositum (Homeopathic preparations Heel)

Viscum compositum mite
Viscum compositum medium Viscum compositum forte

Viskum compositum mite Viskum compositum medium Wiskum compositum forte


Composition : Viscum compositum : 100 ml contains: Viscum album D2 10 ml; Viscum album D10, Viscum album D28, Viscum album D198, cAMP (cyclische Adenosinmonophosphors Cure) D8, Mercurius jodatus flavus D10 to 1 ml.

Viscum compositum medium : 100 ml contains: Viscum album D1 5 ml; Viscum album D10, Viscum album D28, Viscum album D198, cAMP (cyclische Adenosinmonophosphors Cure) D8, Mercurius jodatus flavus D10 to 1 ml.

Viscum compositum forte : 100 ml contains: Viscum album 4 ml; Viscum album D10, Viscum album D28, Viscum album D198, cAMP (cyclische Adenosinmonophosphors Cure) D8, Mercurius jodatus flavus D10 to 1 ml.

Indications: Biotherapy in cellular phases; As if for preoperative, and for postoperative therapy in neoplasms.

Contraindications: None known.

Side effects: With increased salivation, discontinue use of the drug; When injected, excessive reactions and a sudden drop in blood pressure may occur.

Combined application with other means: No special features.

Dosage: Doses should be tailored individually and adapted to the patient's response in each case. Usually injections are administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intradermally or, if prescribed, slowly intravenously according to the following scheme: 1st day - Viscum compositum 2nd day - Viscum compositum medium 3rd day - Viscum compositum medium 4th day - depending From the reaction in each case designate the Viscum compositum forte, Viscum compositum medium or Viscum compositum mite 5 th day - accordingly the reaction in each case, Viscum compositum forte, Viscum compositum medium or Viscum compositum 6th day and 7th day should be Missed, when renewed adhere to the scheme outlined above, with long-term treatment 1-3 times a week for 1 ampoule.

Form of release and packing: Viskum compositum mite, medium : the package contains 5, 10, 50 or 100 ampoules of 2.2 ml. Viskum compositum forte : the package contains 5, 10 or 50 ampoules of 2.2 ml.

Brief description of the indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Viscum album High and low blood pressure; Dizziness; Narrowing of the coronary vessels of the heart and arrhythmia; Articular wear of the joints. CAMP Intracellular regulation; Activation of enzyme systems, reactivation of blocked systems; Inhibits disordered cell growth. Mercurius jodatus flavus Purulent inflammation of the tonsils and pharynx.

Based on the homeopathic components that make up this preparation, Viscum compositum is prescribed for all types of neoplasms and pre-carcinoses, especially after radiotherapy and surgeries.

This drug seems to support the actions of other biological drugs in chronic arthrosis, arthritis, osteopathy, spondylosis, schoi Schoiermann (along with Zeel, Traumeel S), arteriosclerosis and vascular wear (along with Cerebrum compositum, Rauwolfia compositum, Procainum compositum, Coenzyme compositum, Ubichinon Compositum) and in the phases of degeneration to activate immunity. Mistletoe and is used for violations of blood pressure and for a long time has proven to be one of the best remedies for cancer.

The combination of mistletoe with cAMP and mercury, counteracting viruses, enhances the complex counteraction of the drug in cancer. CAMP transmits impulses and irritations from the cell membrane to the cell's content, thereby activating the phosphokinase and thereby limiting unnecessary cell growth and fragmentation (unlike the cGMP preparation).

The antiviral act of mercury was discovered long ago by Wittfeld. The role of the virus factor (mutating genes) in the beginning and development of cancer is not yet fully understood, but mercury in optimal, non-toxic doses is friendly in cancer.

The components of iodine, which are part of Mercurius jodatus flavus, activate the activity of the thyroid gland and connective tissue, thus destroying the homotoxins contained in the furuncle. The ratio of these three components is selected in such a way as to enhance the action of mercury against foreign genes (viruses) to regulate DNA functions, but it seems to support the cAMP action aimed at preventing uncontrolled crushing of cancer cells.

Due to its potentiation, Viscum compositum provides long-term resistance to the route of increasing immunity. The manifestation of mobilization of all the body's immune forces is the increase in temperature observed with the use of the drug; And this fever is in no case impossible to suppress. In this process, it is not necessary to simultaneously apply additional drugs shown in inflammations; It is better to give some time to the body itself to monitor these processes (as in the case of Echinacea compositum S).

The number of injections depends on the individual response of the patient to the forte form. If the temperature rises, wait 1-2 days until the reaction subsides.

To activate the protective system, injections of Echinacea compositum forte S are additionally shown, as its intravenous injections promote the cleavage and elimination of homotoxins and the resumption of affected tissues. The combination of Viscum compositum and Echinacea compositum S is similarly shown in lesions of nerve plexuses accompanied by agony. Therapy in such cases begins with intravenous injections of Echinacea compositum forte S (3-4 days), but then they switch to Viscum compositum.

With gynecological neoplasms, Apis-Injeel (intravenously) and Metro-Adnex-Injeel (subcutaneously) can alternately be administered.

Therapy is usually performed as follows: subcutaneous, intramuscular, intradermal and slow intravenous injection -

1st day - Viscum compositum mite; 2nd day - Viscum compositum medium; 3rd day - Viscum compositum medium or Echinacea compositum forte S (intramuscularly for activation of immunity); 4th day - Viscum compositum medium (or mite or skip); 5th day - Viscum compositum forte (or mite, or medium, or skip).

On the 6th day, injections of Carcinominum compositum, fermented nosodes in combination with Pulsatilla compositum, but on the 7th - Pallido- Striatum D8, D10, D12, Thalamus compositum, Podophyllum compositum, Procainum compositum or other shown preparations (for example, Colchicum compositum Mite, medium, forte).

For the activation of protective systems, Echinacea compositum forte S is alternately shown. During this 5-day course of therapy, other immunotherapeutic measures can only be performed if the patient is in a friendly state. Similar measures include parenteral application of ozone, counteraction to the pituitary gland (according to Shlifak).

If Viscum compositum forte therapy causes excessive effect (especially in the final stages of the disease, at what time the immune systems are completely affected), it is recommended that Viscum compositum mite be applied within 5 days. After that, the nosodes shown in combination with Pulsatilla compositum, Colchicum compositum S, Echinacea compositum forte S and other preparations are appointed for a couple of days.

Viscum compositum is usually injected subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intradermally (neural); Intravenous injections are very rare, as they can cause a shock condition (especially Viscum compositum forte).

With a friendly flow of recovery processes, you can increase the intervals between injections up to 2 days. When the temperature rises, it is necessary to interrupt the course of therapy; Fever can not be suppressed, it is necessary to give the body the opportunity to control the regressive vicariation processes that have begun.

Even with prolonged fever, it is not recommended to use allopathic drugs and antibiotics; In this case, Cralonin, Aurumheel N, Traumeel S, Engystol N, Echinacea compositum (+ forte) S, which support inflammatory processes, are prescribed.

After extremely strong reactions to the forte-form, you must go back to the mite and medium forms. The further therapy of Viscum compositum forte will depend only on the patient's condition and his reactions. You can apply this therapy scheme: on Mondays - Viscum compositum mite, on Wednesdays - Viscum compositum medium, on Fridays - Viscum compositum forte, but in breaks - Echinacea compositum forte S. In case of drowsiness and fatigue of the patient, after injection, bed rest is recommended, but it seems Can be made intermittent between injections in 3-5 days.

In addition, oral preparations of Galium-Heel, Ginseng compositum, Molybdaen compositum, Podophyllum compositum 3 times a day for 8-10 drops may be administered or alternatively.

And can be used drugs Cantharis compositum S (with concomitant diseases of the bladder), Reneel, Solidago compositum S, Atropinum compositum (with spasms and pains), etc.

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