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Under bronchial asthma is meant an intermittent or repetitive obstruction of the airways. This is expressed in the narrowing of the bronchial system, affecting the lungs themselves, the intensity of which changes spontaneously or under the effect of medications.

In any case, it is necessary to exclude cardiovascular diseases as if the cause of bronchial asthma.
Bronchial asthma can manifest as a general constitutional allergy of the body (beginning during the first ten years of life), often in combination with rhinitis and eczema. Such a reaction is regarded as if the immediate reaction of the organism.
Asthma may seem to be an allergy to infection, respond to a belated reaction of the body and arise usually after 40 years. In this case, it often begins because of the development of emphysema light or Cor pulmonale.
The so-called occupational asthma has an allergic origin and is caused by an act of organic or physical adverse factors.
For the basic therapy for bronchial asthma, Tartephedreel, Husteel , Drosera-Homaccord preparations (all - 3 times a day for 10 drops) are shown.
For parenteral therapy, Ignatia-Injeel (+ forte) , Carbo vegetabilis-Injeel (+ forte) , Sulfur-Injeel (+ forte) , Engystol N , Bryonia-Injeel (+ forte) should be given 1 ampoule by intramuscular, subcutaneous, For stepwise autohemotherapy. For more details, see the appendix.
Depending on the specific symptoms, the following are similar:
Asthma-Nosode-Injeel (+ forte) ;
Grippe-Nosode-Injeel (+ forte) - after retoxic flu therapy;
Mercurius praecipitatus ruber-Injeel (+ forte) - with attacks at night;
Klebsiella pneumoniae-Injeel (+ forte ) - after pneumonia and influenza;
Acidum formicicum-Injeel (+ forte ) - in the phases of impregnation;
Grindelia robusta-Injeel (+ forte) - with asthma, accompanied by the release of mucus;
Hydrochinon-Injeel (+ forte) - to improve the use of oxygen.
When carrying out antihomotoxic therapy, stimulation of immunity by suis-organ drugs can be strengthened. For this, Splen suis , Cutis suis , Glandula suprarenalis suis , Hypophysis suis , Mucosa nasalis suis , Pulmo suis , Bronchus suis , Funiculus umbilicalis suis , Corpus pineale suis are shown.
For basic therapy, Splen suis-Injeel (+ forte) is prescribed (1-2 intramuscular injections per week).
Cutis suis-Injeel (+ forte) is shown in the regressive vicaria transitioning to the skin, only Mucosa nasalis suis-Injeel (+ forte) - with infectious reflex asthma of higher respiratory tract.
To activate the activity of the lungs and bronchi, Pulmo suis is administered in combination with Bronchus suis .
In the event that this therapy is not successful, it is recommended to carry out hyperimmunization for Reckeweg:
1). Vesica urinaria suis - at 8 o'clock;
2). Ren suis - at 11 o'clock;
3). Colon suis - at 14 o'clock;
4). Hepar suis - at 17 o'clock;
5). Pulmo suis + Bronchus suis - at 20 hours.
This hyperimmunization activates preferably homotoxin elimination processes.
For additional therapy, the following antihomotoxic drugs are recommended:
Cardiacum-Heel (tablets), Cralonin (drops) - with cardiac weakness;
Aurumheel N (drops) - in case of blood supply disorders;
Chelidonium-Homaccord (droplets) - with insufficient functioning of the liver;
Reneel (tablets) - with renal weakness.
And with this disease, injections of a mixture of Gripp-Heel (2 ampoules) + Engystol N (1 ampoule) + Traumeel S (1 ampoule) + Drosera-Homaccord (1 ampoule) + Mucosa compositum (1 ampoule) can be administered .
Half of the mixture is injected intravenously, only the other half together with a drop of patient's blood is administered intramuscularly. These injections can be carried out daily for a week, after - 1-3 times a week for 2 months.
With allergic bronchial asthma, it seems that you can prescribe a mixture of Histamin-Injeel (1 ampoule) + Urtica-Injeel (1 ampoule) + Psorinum-Injeel (1 ampoule).
A mixture of these preparations is injected according to the above scheme and dosage.
For desensitization and regressive vikariatsii bronchial asthma from the phase of impregnation prescribed drugs Apis-Homaccord (1 ampoule) + Acidum formicicum D200 (1 ampoule) + Splen suis-Injeel (1 ampoule).
This mishmash is injected intravenously or intramuscularly 1-3 times a week. The duration of therapy depends on the stage of the disease and is determined by the total desensitization of the body.
An example of stepwise autohemotherapy with bronchial asthma:
1). One drop of the patient's blood is drawn into the syringe, several times shaken violently.
2). In the same syringe is typed 1 ampoule Acidum formicicum-Injeel , strongly shaken and injected intramuscularly.
3). One ampule of Histamin-Injeel is collected into the same syringe, it is strongly shaken and injected intramuscularly.
4). In the same syringe is typed 1 ampoule Funiculus umbilicalis suis D200 , strongly shaken and injected intramuscularly or neural.
5). In the same syringe is typed 1 ampoule Serum ovile D200 , strongly shaken and injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
6). In case of severe intoxication, 1 ampoule of Sanguis suis D200 is taken into the same syringe, it is strongly shaken and injected subcutaneously or intravenously.
The second scheme of stepwise autohemotherapy:
1). a drop of blood;
2). Ignatia-Injeel ;
3). Carbo vegetabilis-Injeel ;
4). Sulfur-Injeel or Engystol N ;
5). Bryonia-Injeel .
The third scheme:
1). a drop of blood;
2). Engystol N intravenously;
3). Acidum formicicum-Injeel ;
4). Histamin-Injeel or Cuprum-Injeel ;
5). Histamin-Injeel ;
6). Cutis suis-Injeel ;
7). Serum ovile-Injeel .
The therapeutic effect can be enhanced by catalysts and diet (exclude pork and products containing it).
In the event that all the needs are met, one can expect the patient to recover.