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Dupuytren's contracture refers to the hardening and wrinkling of the palmar aponeurosis, causing the flexion contracture of one or more fingers and thus limiting the functionality of the hand. In 70-80% of cases, both hands are affected, most often in men (5: 1) older than 50 years.
The causes of this disease are not fully understood until the end, there may be a relationship between the predisposition to it and a number of external factors (microtrauma). There are still discussions about the possible connection of the disease with rheumatic autoimmune and fibroblastic diseases.
Separate the 4 stages of the disease:
Stage 1 - education of nodules and strings in the palm of your hand;
Stage 2 - flexion contracture of proximal joints;
Stage 3 - flexion contracture of proximal and other joints;
Stage 4 - the final stage, the defeat of all joints and pasterns.
Since Dupuytren's contracture is a slow-moving chronic disease, it seems that it takes a lot of time to treat it.

For the treatment of Dupuytren's contracture, prolonged oral therapy Graphites-Homaccord and Arnica-Heel 3 times a day for 8-10 drops of the drug (as a mixture or separately) is recommended. This type of therapy complements the rubbing of Traumeel S ointment in the affected area of ​​the hand (rub twice a day, you can alternate Traumeel S with Calendula-Salbe or Hamamelis-Salbe ).

And it is recommended to prescribe injections of Dupuytren-Nosode-Injeel , which should be carried out at intervals of one week. The most effective are local injections (in the contracture room), but intramuscular and subcutaneous injections may be prescribed. More information on the technique of local injections can be found in the annex to the valid materials.

And under Dupuytren's contracture, depending on the specific symptoms of the disease, injections of the following drugs can be prescribed:
1. Traumeel S and Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel - 1-2 times a week intramuscularly, subcutaneously or into the skin in the contracture room;
2. Discus compositum (shown for diseases of the spine, joints and bones);
3. Cutis compositum , possibly in combination with Coenzyme compositum Ampullen (for activation of enzyme functions) or with the whole set of catalysts for the citric acid cycle.

If the use of these drugs did not bring the desired result, it is recommended to resort to surgery.