
The information published on the site is intended only for reference.
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Since there are many muscle diseases, each of which requires special therapy, we recommend several therapies depending on the diagnosis.
1. Muscular rheumatism, myalgia, myositis .
Rhododendroneel S , Colocynthis-Homaccord , Dulcamara-Homaccord , Rheuma-Heel (3 times a day for 8-10 drops or 1 tablet of each preparation, are shown for basic therapy of these diseases with inflammatory nature (in combination with neuralgic and vascular components) With acute symptoms - every 2 hours for 10 drops for 1-2 days).
In addition, Zeel is prescribed (3-5 times a day for 1 tablet, for acute symptoms - every 2 hours for 1 tablet for 1-2 days, or 2-3 times a week for 1 ampoule intramuscularly, subcutaneously or locally). It is impossible to carry out local injections in the county of strong inflammations! Traumeel S ointment is indicated for local therapy.
Depending on the specific symptoms, the schedule of therapy can include:
1. with increased muscle tone, spasms - Spascupreel (3 times a day for 10 drops), Cuprum-Injeel (2 times a week for 1 ampoule), Angustura-Injeel (2 times a day for 1 ampoule);
2. with circulatory disorders, with rheumatic polymyalgia - Aesculus compositum (3 times a day for 10 drops);
3. When inflammation in combination with a fever - Aconitum-Injeel forte S (2 times a week for 1 ampoule);
4. When paralysis - Curare-Injeel (2 times a week for 1 ampoule).
To activate the metabolism and functions of enzymes, Ubichinon compositum , Coenzyme compositum , Discus compositum is additionally shown . In especially severe cases, Suuss-organ drugs Musculus suis-Injeel , Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel , are administered . Dosage: 1-2 intramuscular injections of the mixture per week for 4-5 weeks, after a one-month break, the course of therapy can be repeated.
With the risk of autoimmune processes in the intracranial arteries with subsequent blindness and brain damage, corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs are prescribed.
To reduce the amount of allopathic preparations, Aesculus compositum , Galium-Heel (3 times a day for 10 drops), Placenta compositum , Arteria suis-Injeel (1 ampoule per week) are additionally prescribed .
2. Muscular dystrophy .
It is necessary to distinguish between myopathies that are not accompanied by anatomical changes in the central and peripheral nervous system, only similar to myopathies, accompanied by similar changes and causing secondary muscle diseases.
In both cases, Arsuraneel (tablets), Traumeel S (tablets, drops) are shown. Dosage: alternately with an interval of 4 hours for 1 tablet or 10 drops.
Additionally, intramuscular, intravenous, subcutaneous and intradermal injections of Curare-Injeel (+ forte S) , Oleander-Injeel (+ forte) , Manganum aceticum-Injeel (+ forte S) , Psorinoheel are prescribed .
With progressive muscular dystrophy, 1 intramuscular injection per week of a mixture of Musculus suis-Injeel , Glandula suprarenalis suis-Injeel (within 5 weeks) is prescribed .
In muscular dystrophy of Erba, it is recommended to include Medulla spinalis suis-Injeel , Medulla oblongata suis-Injeel in the therapy schedule.
With muscle atrophy caused by neural disorders (eg, degeneration of cells in different parts of the spinal cord), 1 intramuscular or subcutaneous injection of Medulla spinalis suis-Injeel is shown per week for 5 weeks.
3. Myotonia .
With these hereditary diseases, characterized by a delayed relaxation of muscle fibers after tension or irritation, the following preparations are shown:
1. Galium-Heel - 3 times a day for 10 drops;
2. Spascupreel - 3 times a day for 1 tablet.
For parenteral therapy, a cuprum of Cuprum-Injeel + Guajacum-Injeel is shown (first - 3 times a week for 1 ampoule, 2 weeks for 2 injections, then 1 injection per week).
Additionally, 1-2 times a week, you can inject an incense Angustura-Injeel + Tetanus-Antitoxin-Injeel .
In dystrophic myotonia (Curstmann-Steinert), in which the muscles of the tongue and pharynx are affected , Lyssinum-Injeel is shown (1-2 injections per week), only similar to Musculus suis-Injeel.
Myasthenia gravis .
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that has a motor character characterized by increased fatigue and weakness of the skeletal muscles. The outer muscles of the eye, the muscles of the face, the proximal muscles of the extremities are usually affected. In addition, purely bulbar manifestations are possible. Dangerous to life can be a lesion of the swallowing and respiratory musculature.
This disease is rare and occurs more often in women. The diagnosis can be made on the basis of the most characteristic symptoms of the disease: ovulation of the eyelids, bifurcation, fatigue during chewing, with labor with raised hands, with climbing the stairs; Impotence in a certain time of day.
During the examination, the symptoms of this disease can be easily identified by innervation and prolonged stress. In addition, a neurological examination is necessary.
In severe forms of the disease, cholinesterase inhibitors and immunosuppressive drugs are prescribed. In this case, biological therapy will have an auxiliary character.
For oral therapy of this disease are shown:
1. Gelsemium-Homaccord - 3 times a day for 8-10 drops;
2. Galium-Heel - 3 times a day for 8-10 drops;
3. Arsuraneel - 3 times a day for 1 tablet;
4. Traumeel S - 3 times a day for 1 tablet.
These drugs can be taken as if together, and alternately.
Experimentally, Curare-Injeel can be administered, since curare in impressive doses causes muscle paralysis.
With muscle weakness, Plumbum jodatum-Injeel is shown.
We similarly recommend the appointment of suis-organ preparations Musculus suis-Injeel , Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel , Medulla spinalis suis-Injeel . It is recommended to carry out 1 intramuscular injection of this mixture per week for 4-5 weeks. After a month's break, the course of therapy can be repeated.
5. Secondary myopathy .
Myopathies can manifest themselves as symptoms of various diseases, for example, glucose metabolism, fat metabolism, violations of the content of mineral elements (potassium, calcium), diseases of the endocrine glands (thyroid and adrenal glands). In these cases, biological therapy is prescribed for the underlying disease.
In addition, toxic myopathies are observed in alcoholism, after the administration of corticosteroids, resoquine, chlorofibrate, vincristine, disulfiram, D-penicillamine and phenytoin.
With muscle weakness, it seems that the symptom is assigned to Curare-Injeel , Arsuraneel , Lathyrus sativus-Injeel , Manganum aceticum-Injeel , Oleander-Injeel , only with increased muscle tone - Spascupreel , Cuprum aceticum-Injeel , Angustura-Injeel, Tetanus-Antitoxin-Injeel .
In addition, Musculus suis-Injeel is shown for all chronic muscular diseases.